Immigrants and Trump's First 100 Days as President
Although many minority communities have been in the crosshairs, I will venture to say that no other community has been more affected by Trump’s first one hundred days than immigrant communities throughout this nation. Illegal Immigration was Trump’s signature issue while he was campaigning for the White House. He often talked about illegal immigration in vitriolic tones. Okay, he used vitriol for most of his speeches.
White working-class voters blamed illegal immigration for their woes. Candidate Trump managed to successfully tapped into these voters’ dissatisfaction with this issue. These voters believed that candidate Trump was going to stop or at least restrict illegal immigration. Political pundits argued that this was the very reason as to why Trump was able to win the Industrial Midwest, a geographical area that had been controlled by Democrats for decades.
It is not hyperbole or exaggeration, but immigrant communities have been destabilized by Trump’s first one-hundred days. All the anxieties and fears undocumented folks were bracing for came to fruition when this man was inaugurated back in January. ICE agents have been aggressively showing up in immigrant communities yanking out undocumented immigrants of their homes where they live where their families. Undocumented parents have been arrested by ICE while dropping off their kids at schools or while dealing with a legal matter at courthouses and others had been detained for being nearby places where undocumented immigrants with criminal records were being sought. The anxieties and fears are palpable in many immigrant communities. Major newspapers have reported that approximately 22,000 undocumented immigrants have been deported so far this year. Under the Obama administration, this number was around 5,400 last year.
One might argue that we have an incoherent President with incoherent policy proposals, Indeed, President Trump told reporters that he first was going to start deporting “criminal aliens.” He calculated that there were around two or three million “bad hombres” in the country who had committed violent and grave crimes. The following week, the man who runs Homeland Security for him, Secretary Kelly told the host of “Face the Nation” that any alien who has had some encounter with any law enforcement agency, regardless of the degree of the offense, was subject to deportation. Then, Attorney General, Jeff Session also told reporters that the mere fact of an individual having come here illegally was a misdemeanor. Therefore, whether or not an immigrant has committed crimes here in the US, said “alien” was subject to deportation. There is no cohesiveness of the message being sent by this administration to immigrant communities. Hence, there is agony, fear, and anxiety among undocumented families.
In light of the aggressive immigration enforcement approach currently used by this administration, many immigrant families have begun to prepare for that potential day in which they might not come home. It truly is sad seeing many immigrant families seeking legal assistance from community organizations where they can draw up plans and sign legal papers that will allow close relatives or friends to have custody of their children. These undocumented parents are being pro-active, in the event that doesn’t make it back home because they have been detained by ICE. No parent should be living in the shadows and under this agony in this country. Most of these immigrants have been here for years and they have contributed to the well-being of their communities. Children shouldn’t be separated from their parents, we shouldn’t separate families who wish to be together. These actions are inconsistent with the values that represent this country. This ruthless enforcement is inhumane and mocks these very same values.
We should fix this immigration problem with a policy that is fair and inclusive.
Regardless of how you feel about the issue of immigration, it is important to acknowledge that eleven million undocumented immigrants can’t just be rolled into buses and be deported. If you feel that this can be done and that Trump will do it, you must be living in an “alternative reality.” Immigration in this country has been debated for too long in Washington. It started back in 2000. Then, the events of September 11 of 2001 happened and everything changed. In the aftermath of 9/11, we learned that some of the 19 hijackers had violated federal immigration laws while they were in the United States.
Literally and figuratively every election whether presidential or congressional, the issue of immigration has taken front and center. Both political parties mostly focused on the enforcement aspect of this matter. Obama as a candidate promised a proposal for immigration reform in his first year in office. He never fulfilled that promise and instead of getting comprehensive immigration reform we got comprehensive immigration enforcement. Obama’s administration set records for deporting hard-working immigrants with no criminal records. He was even dubbed “the deporter in chief.”
To those conservatives who are influencing the President on this issue, I understand your concerns in not wanting to reward immigrants who came here illegally. Okay, make us earn that citizenship, make us pay fines and taxes and make us learn English. But give us some sort of legalization. So, our undocumented immigrants can come out of the shadows and become full-fledged members of their communities. Study after study shows that legalizing these law-abiding immigrants makes sense economically as they will contribute more to the output of this nation. We just want an opportunity.
Two positive things that I would like to highlight in these one hundred days about this administration: First, it is great to see that this president has not reversed President Obama’s executive order that protected the “Dreamers” from being deported. These “Dreamers” as they are being called were brought to this country when they were children by their parents. President Trump has told reporters that as long as these young people don’t engage in any illegal activity they shouldn’t be concerned about being deported. Although it has been reported that one or two of these dreamers have been detained and one has been deported for allegations of having committed crimes. Second, the level of activism that I have witnessed in these first one hundred days has given me hope. I have seen people from all walks of life marching literally every other weekend since this president got inaugurated in January. The forces of activism have been ignited and the challenge here is to continue organizing and agitating for true radical progressive change.
Finally, leaders in immigrant communities need to bring a vibrant passion whenever advocating for undocumented immigrants in this debate about immigration reform. They have to be as intense, organized, and adamant about immigration reform as the anti-immigrant forces on the other side. Taking it to the streets and marching is great but there must also be some sort of legislative endeavors being pursued in Washington.
Thank you for reading.
Chamba Sanchez
Works used.
Bannon, Brad. “Trump’s first 100 days anything but presidential.” The Hill 24 April 2017. Web. 25 April 2017
Camarota, Steven. “The Case Against Immigration: Why the United States should look out for itself.” Foreign Affairs 31 March 2017. Web. 24n April 2017.
Horsey, David. “Trump should claim victory on the border and abandon his foolish wall.” Los Angeles Times 12 April 2017. Web. 24 April 2017.
Krikorian, Mark. “On Immigration, Fighting the Last War.” National Review. 1 Oct. 2015.
McManus, Doyle. “Trump’s populist revolution is already over — for now.” Los Angeles Times 16, April 2017. Web. 25 April 2017.
Photos credits: Photos downloaded from websites with password-protected that my employer pays.
The Trump administration has truly put fear into the immigrant communities in fact I would even say the entire Hispanic/ latino community. Every now and then I hear a person talk about how Trump wants to take away citizenship for Hispanics or essentially strip people away from legal documentation. And as impossible that sounds it gets you thinking that the Trump administration has truly put fear into any Hispanic/ latino person. It has come to a point that you become a target we become the target as Hispanics and latinos, and not just this minority group but all the others. Reason being when one minority group begins to get rights taken away, and shown no mercy then it allows for society to do the same to the other minority groups. Violating one groups civil rights only allows for the rest to become violated as well. I strongly agree that the activism has risen and people are beginning to get informed and make a stand along with others who they have or might have some relation too. You gather all these individuals and they become a force of rights, they stand for what is right. Our nation can resolve this issue with a fair legislature that will encompass the views of all because immigrants would benefit this country just as much as they have already. We are never more stronger then when this nation is United and these people live here and have for some time now they have proven that their interest are America’s interest. We must stop letting them violate their civil rights and participate with these activists that want reform for the better. I enjoyed this article and it shines light on an issue that poses a threat to civil rights, this matter can be resolved but together.
The Trump administration has put fear into many immigrants who have been here almost their entire life and now they have to go back into hiding and I find that to be wrong. I am part of immigrant family and my mother has already taken action if anything was to happen and I’m just 21 years and I have legal guardianship of my younger siblings. What am suppose to tell them one day if our mother doesn’t return, that we might not seeing her for a while. We must speak up and fight and not let families be torn apart because of the simple fact that we are in fear. We can’t live in fear because all we are doing is giving feeding Trump’s ego and greed. Our nation will not function correctly and economically once immigrants leave. No caucasian wants to do the dirty work but immigrants. I enjoyed the article because it shines light to the issue and the fear that immigrants have.
Trump as president has affected many in different ways. Deportation has been a problem and will continue to be. He started to take out undocumented people it was something seen everywhere. That brought fear to many people as well as many families. There are people who have lived here their whole life they do not any other place this is their home. There is also people who have lived here many years that it’d be a huge change if they were to just be kicked out. There are those who are parents who had to leave their children behind because if one is alone here yes they can go back and figure it out. Those who have a family already it becomes much harder especially if they have no one to take care of their children. Children having that fear that they won’t see their parents anymore shouldn’t be something they should be worrying about. The way people are being treated has been unfair. There should be time given at least so one can know what to do and process things not just get people at any random place and that’s it.
I think there is a generalization of the word “inmigrant”. Some conservatives need to understand that there is huge amount of inmigrants that are in the US just for good and helpful reasons. Some of these inmigrants contribute a lot more to their communities than a lot of amiricans do. It is fair to give them a chance to keep doing that and help the country grow in many ways, but the most important one, economically.
This nation was founded by immigrants. nobody unless Native American has ancestors that where born here.
It’s unfortunate that President Trump is ripping families apart, he doesn’t operate discretely. from my point of view he operates in a form that gets the point across as apposed to former President Obama who liked to talk things out. Neither of these strategies are better than the other however i believe that there should be a balance between the two.
I believe that President trump should focus his deportation tactics to felons of serious/repetitive crimes (i.e, repeated manslaughter. Serial Rapists, etc…) but those being deported based on a one time misdemeanor strikes me as a bit too petty.
Now, in regards to Trump’s tactics as a candidate, i don’t blame him for being blunt. He saw the frustrations of the unheard citizens (hidden majority) and exploited it. Many Pres. in the past have used this tactic, correction…many politicians have used this tactic…so maybe i’m being optimistic but i believe things will get better as time rolls on, and if it doesn’t…well…we can always immigrate to a nation that we believe to be of a Utopian society…
It is a devastating time for illegal immigrants all over the country but they should never loose hope. illegal immigrants are the reason why this country has been so great. The trump administration may deport some of them but never all of them. That’s why for that reason people would do everything in there Power to protect others who can’t defend them selves from this atrocities. Without immigrants the nation would not be the same. So called that immigrants take American jobs if these jobs won’t be done by some Americans them selves. Most Immigrants are people who come to America to seek a job in order to provide for then selves or for their family. So as long as trump keeps doing these actions against immigrant communities more people will unite together and make a change for the future
I have never known anyone who is going to or has been deported. A person that is forcibly being taken away from their families’ is such a tragic situation. I don’t agree that immigrants are not important, eveyone is basically came from immigrants. Our “founding fathers” are immigrants; they were not born in America. I understand America has been attacked y other countries so we often may feel threatened but not every immigrant is a threat and it is not fair to take away an innocent person’s life away and deport them. Diversity defines America. After four years of having Trump as our president, we will become more united than ever as a nation.
Donald Trump and his immigration policy is dangerous to undocumented families, I see this as an opportunity for minority communities to unite and resist. It is a challenge for us to fight for equity in the United States. As mentioned, people just want a chance, a chance to be positive contributors to our society as citizens. This is the time to put an end to our tarnished reputation as a people. Maybe this is what Latinos, African-Americans, and all minorities in our country needed, a wake up call. Maybe we need a man like Mr.Trump who ignites a fire in us to become active members in our political system, and fight for our beliefs. Time will tell whether his presidency will be looked at as a success. For now though, it is time to resist against his unethical policies.
The Guardian.com, an online newspaper shows how Mr. Trump used to express his repudiation against Mexicans, ” ‘They are bringing drugs, and bringing crime, and their rapists,” the business mogul said.” In the last statement, Mr. Trump argues that “‘Mexico are sending people that have lots of problems,'” but the Mexicans that are working in the fields for more than 14 hours a day are not a problem to the United States! Indeed, those Mexicans came illegally to the United States and they have committed a misdemeanor as professor Sanchez denoted: “Attorney General, Jeff Session also told reporters that the mere fact of an individual having come here illegally was a misdemeanor.” But, what our honest president Trump doesn’t know is that the people or Mexicans that have been bringing drugs to the United States come legally. They have passports, money, and power to do whatever they want. Also, later Mr. Trump demonstrated his repudiation against Latinos in general and other etnias. However, it is true that we need an immigration reform, we as immigrants should “Americanize” ourselves and respect the rules of this country. Americanization program was established in the United States before 1912, and a lot of immigrants are rejected to change their culture. And this is stated in Mr. Sanchez’s article: “Okay, make us earn that citizenship, make us pay fines and taxes and make us learn English.” In my personal opinion, if we want changes, we also have to change ourselves for the benefit of our families.
Donald Trump said if he was elected president of the United States he would get rid of illegal immigrants and so far he’s bringing his words into action. I never have and never will support Trump because I myself have parents who came from another country and they work long hours a day to provide for my family and I, they aren’t hurting anybody or “stealing anyone’s job” as Trump said. Everyone in this world was born into different opportunities and it depends how a person wants to take advantage of it. Immigrants from all over the world come to the U.S for a better life and opportunity but obviously Donald Trump wouldn’t understand that cause he didn’t have to work as hard as an immigrant to get to where he is now. I think immigration will always be a problem in the U.S because there is always going to be a division in this world, a division between who deserves and who doesn’t. Labeling of “aliens” towards immigrants has got to be the most absurd thing ever. Its just not right to make someone else feel as if they aren’t worth enough because of the simple fact that they aren’t born in this country. As the leader of the nation I believe that it is Trump’s responsibility to advocate acceptance towards immigration because the U.S was born out of diversity and we should give the opportunity of a better life to those who come here because they just want to give their families or even themselves the life they have always dreamed of.
The Trump administration has effected many different children and families as their policies regarding immigration effects everyone not just immigrants from Mexico. I work as a sports coach for a after-school program and that Wednesday after he won the election, many kids brought up the topic and I noticed a significant drop in attendance. It is tough to have a position on immigration, I agree in the aspect that the U.S. needs to come up with some policy in which it gives immigrants to become a citizen and gain full access and benefits of being an “American”. My parents came here illegally but did take the time and paid their fines to become a full citizen of America. It was hard work they talk to me about it all the time. However I do not believe just because they have been detained by police enforcement they should be deported. It is tough, very tough but one thing for sure that I believe in is that everyone should be able to have a chance to become a citizen.
It is not necessarily a good thing to put fear into the people that immigrated here that have done nothing wrong. I believe that the immigration community should have a better fighting chance on getting legalization here in the United States it should not be so hard to a point where people just give up on the dream of becoming a citizen. There should be some type of program that makes it an easier process for the people that have lived here most of their life, these immigrants are still paying taxes so why don’t they get a little help aren’t they helping out our economy? As for the immigrants that have come here and have had problems with the law I do believe there should be some type of fear of being deported, because they are giving the hard working immigrants that have done nothing wrong a bad wrap. I believe a little more action should be taken on those immigrants, and as for the dreamers there should be a program for when they come here as a baby the parents should pay some sort of school tax until they are able to get a drivers license and from there they should be granted citizenship. I believe there should be some sort of program for all these people to make it an easier process because they sure do deserve it.
I agree with what is being proposed to these conservatives. Instead of throwing out these vigorously hard working people, give them the opportunity to successfully and completely be the citizens that they want to be. This administration does not give the immigrant community a clear message on what to do to avoid being deported. How can they say deportation can be waived for these immigrants by doing so and so, when they don’t even guarantee their own words. I’ve seen firsthand the effect of how immigrants now chose to commute to their jobs. I’ve seen how undocumented fathers have been taken away from their families, some even living decades here in the US, and thrown parts of Tijuana where they are left to fend off in the streets. Those who don’t deserve shouldn’t have to go through this when all they want is their children getting a higher education and being a beneficial part of society, this society.
I feel super uneasy about this. Its not fare to put fear into people lives that haven’t done anything wrong. The immigration community should have worked harder in my opinion. I think that there should be an easier system. People should have the right to live where they want to. I don’t understand why immigration is making this so difficult. I think there should be a serious system to be a citizen here, and immigrants can’t be opposed to that. Instead of trying to break the law they should follow the system and I think things would be easier.
Its really difficult to believe that even with following legal procedures to become a citizen that you can still be discriminated or racial profiled. The Trump administration has only emphasized the terror that the minority communities continue to battle for that last decades. The concerns increase dramatically as how will our people overcome these tough times, for the first 100 days we have already seen wrongful deportations and separation of families. The main worry is that this ongoing nightmare only targets mainly Latino communities, despite the effort that these immigrants follow in order to become citizens. What i would like to know is that do other fellow American’s really dislike immigrants for their undocumented status? or do they really just believe in a white America?. Only time will tell what reality America beholds with a xenophobic president.
It crazy to think how much this presidential election had impacted our whole nation. Many of us thought that Hillary Clinton would win but Trump did the impossible. As a minority myself I see how scared my community is of the President. I have family that are undocumented that are afraid to be sent back to Mexico when they have been here for more then 20 years working hard. And I believe Trump does not see that he only sees the bad but not the good. As society grows I believe our ignorance grows as well people don’t stop to think of the unconstitutional thoughts people portray of minorities and that sickens me. President Trump should try and give us an opportunity and not take immediate action off of what he believes the type of people we are.
The day Trump was elected and even nominated was an uprising of so many issues and problems that he stated that he would fix. For a man to make so many promises but but yet doesn’t understand the issues but wants to fix them out of his own beliefs is not going to change anything. I do understand that our Immigration population is getting out of control but it’s an issues that has been here before this president was born. I also like the fact that he has left the “Dreamers” alone but it should’t be like that, as long as those people are working to get their papers and life right they shout’t be taken out of the country for something so small like a traffic ticket. I have read so many articles and heard so many stories of families being taken away cause they where simply at then wrong place at then wrong time. It has made many immigrants fear their every move and sacred to even stop any where without being questioned. This election has also brought out so many racist out of their shell and we are being more aware of then people around us. Frankly it’s one of the worst elections I had to face in my 24 years of living. There is always a better way to efficiently deal with the issue but I believe they won’t acknowledge it until its too late.
The only thing that Trump administration has bought to the county is only fear and making people afraid of coming out of the shadows. President Trump was only trying to get votes from the people to win the election he was manipulating people by saying that he was going to he make “America Great Again” but the only thing he is doing is cause fear and destruction toward different communities and races. Trump was making promises that he wouldn’t attack the undocumented community but he did the opposite he was attacking them and making didn’t race go against each other. Trump said he wasn’t going to worried about the Dreamers but yet he said that he’s only going to interfere when the do a current crime he would deport them but what happened if that crime is a traffic violation does that mean they are being deported because they did this, it wouldn’t be fair because they are going to obey on paying the fined but does this mean this is still staying on their record would it affect them on being able to become legalize in this country.
So while in trumps hundred days in office he enforced a heavy push on illegal immigration , and at first i really didn’t understand why but from this i now see that he had a hand he had to play when the white working class voters blamed illegal immigration for their problems, then there is him having his campaign announce that if any illegal alien had been in trouble with the law had to be deported and there were over 11 million in total . i dont feel it was right to subject a class of people based on if they got here legally or not everyone deserves a chance as you stated , but one as trump shouldn’t be allowed to scare families into being separated. Someone should be able to step up and do whats right and find a solution for immigration and how the whole process should work. With that there has to be truth and substance to what would be a solution for the people, the land of the free, place of opportunity. Another thing that confused me a bit was the fact that the kids who had been born here illegally or as they called them “dreamers” we safe from deportation , which brings me to my next question if they are free from this or so they said then why bother with deporting any of them since they are all illegal so to speak, if one is free then all should be free right? If they are going to give the children a chance why not give the elders and parents?
It’s quite funny how a nation founded by immigrants has a problem with them and blames them for all their problems with this country. Immigrants aren’t a major problem and should be allowed to live in this country and have some help with becoming citizens to this country. The only problem that I have with immigrants are the ones that do not want to be any kind of citizen or resident at all and just stay around and complain about this country. There are many honest immigrants who want to make an honest living here and have a better life here. I think the idea of looking for immigrants and forcing them to leave the country is a very frightening thing and it is something to be concerned about. Trump winning the election is a wonder to us all and definitely reflects us as a country.
I agree that some good has come as a result of President Trumps administration, for example the schism in our nations beliefs when it comes to issues such as immigration policy has become evident. Unveiling this façade of having a perfect, and nondiscriminatory nation has allowed the people of the immigrant community to come together in hopes of having their voices heard. Unfortunately this very passion for political activism has been very clear on the opposite side of the spectrum as well. Furthermore, if Trump were to deport all of the immigrants, then who will buy herbalife?
I agree that some good has come as a result of President Trumps administration, for example the schism in our nations beliefs when it comes to issues such as immigration policy reform has become evident. Unveiling this façade of having a perfect, and nondiscriminatory nation has allowed the people of the immigrant community to come together in hopes of having their voices heard. Unfortunately this very passion for political activism has been very clear on the opposite side of the spectrum as well. Furthermore, if Trump were to deport all of the immigrants, then who would buy Herbalife?
I’ve heard some of the stories of illegal immigrants being torn apart from their families and deported back to their country of origin. It’s an unsavory fact of the matter that the US and it’s state’s have to face. On one hand I agree with you that it is horrible to see families ripped apart, on the other hand I agree that this is a matter of law enforcement. I have known many illegal person’s and many of them are more upstanding citizen’s than the people who were born here, they have an appreciation for America and it’s laws. Yet they chose to break those laws and either overstay their visa or permit primarily because they knew they would be protected by the state. With this in mind I understand that they are not the only one’s at fault and should likely be granted some sort of amnesty on a case by case basis. The immigration laws in California have huge gaping loopholes they have to be fixed.
Based on this article, Trump is giving fears to the immigrants by enforcing the ICE group to search and hunt down any illegal immigrant on the streets or home. Many immigrants have families that contribute in making a better life in America. The way how Trump uses “immigrants” is referenced to “Mexicans”, sounds a bit racism. Not every immigrant is a criminal and a threat to America, in fact, they are important to America for cropping. They are much more efficient hard workers and deserve better for what they do to make a living. All of these regulations to the immigrants are not helping them have a better opportunity and is just giving them more limitations. I do agree that there should be some type of policy for immigrants that is fair. It can help immigrants not fear and live their life.
From what I have seen about president Trump administration is that he is deporting every single immigrant that has committed crimes in the country. I think that that shouldn’t be done sure some are criminals, but for the pass years they have lived at peace or even hiding from the once who are call “ICE” because they feel that if they come out of the shadows they would be deported to their country and they don’t want that. Many of these immigrants are know to be hard working people that just want to win the bread that they eat and take home to their families. I believe that president Trump should not deport all the immigrants because then they would leave a family behind and heading to your own country not know the danger or even worst that you haven’t gone for so many years it can be tough for those immigrants to start from zero all over again. Mr. Trump should at least give the opportunity for the immigrants to be citizenship or give then legalization states in the country because many of the immigrants contribute to their own countries too. Stop deportation!!!
My mother in-law is going through a process where she is trying to obtain citizenship so I would be very hurt if they deny her that. She has to got to mexico to sign papers but her family has to her not to do so because that is probably their plan to send her their and have no way of coming back. So on this issue I can say honestly I see both sides of the story but one side definitely out weighs the other which is we should not just start deporting immigrants just because. I like how you said that we should let them earn their citizenship I very much agree with that let them pay taxes let them prove they are all not what President Trump thinks of them as murders and rapers. I did not know ICE was going to schools and waiting for the parents to drop of their kids and deport them on the spot. What happens to the kids? When they come out of school and there parent was not there to wait for them. I bet if this kind of thing happened to any other race all hell would brake loose. Black lives matter would turn into White lives matter. I do believe that if they are bad for the community then by all means do what you have to do but if they are not hurting anyone and just trying to live their lives with their children then let them be. Also even if any other race is bad for their community they should be dealt with as well. Maybe some people cant be deported but they can be sent to prison.
I believe that the trump administration has put many immigrants into fear. Those who have been here for more than half of their lives are in fear of being taken out of the country. I find this very wrong for them to do. I myself am part of a family who are immigrants. Many of my family members are worried they may be taken from their family and children. What will happen if my aunts and uncles have to get separated from their kids? It’s something very hard to deal with. Some of them don’t even go back to work bc of how scared they are to leave their homes. I believe we must stand up and fight for the rights of our people before more families are torn apart. Us showing fear to the is only giving more power of feeding the ego of Donald trump. Without immigrants, lots of things will change economically. Things will not be the same anymore. I’m more than sure that people who are non immigrants will want to do the work that these immigrants work hard for. I really enjoyed this article because it’s something that I have an opinion towards and would like to fight for because of my family members who are immigrants.
It’s true, Trump has put fear in the immigrant communities now they are scared of coming out of their houses to do simple errands they do every day. They fear that maybe one day they might be separated from their family or lose what they have created in this country. Many don’t deserve to be deported because they have been here for half of their lives and have never committed a crime in this country. Although many of these innocent people get caught in random ICE raids or when ICE goes to a neighborhood looking for one person but they end up taking everyone that is undocumented. Now they have to pay the consequences from the other person actions. This is unfair, I believe that people come here to U.S for another chance in life to become someone new and many take advantage of the opportunities this country offers but some don’t. It sad to see them get deported because many of these people don’t have family back in there country or a place to stay. These people end up in Tijuana and stay there to find a way to get back to U.S. ]Not only has Trump created fear towards different communities but this fear has also united them more. I have seen more marches and community events that support immigrants and this brings hope to them.
I agree with creating a policy that can help immigrants. What has he done for America or against America in the first 100 days. With 3 executive orders of the Dakota access pipelines, canceling NGOs that provide abortion counseling, an immigration ban as well and replacing Obama care is foolish. Not only are immigrants affected but those who are ill and disabled. Attacking Syria? The White House is completely unpredictable and I fear for the families that continue to suffer for non critical thinking from our so called “leaders”.
The amount of fear Trump and his administration have put into the hispanic and latino community is an all time high. He has proven to his word that he will be deporting as many people as possible. There are pros and cons to this situation. I am not totally sure if he is deporting undocumented people or undocumented people that are breaking the laws. If it’s on everyone than it is definitely not fair for those who are here wanting to provide for their family and doing right by their community however if it’s the undocumented immigrants who are breaking the law than he is just protecting his country.
Trump has put much fear into the immigration community, he has specifically targeted them with prejudice. This country was made by immigrants and he has the nerve to deport them all. He called all Muslims terrorists and mexicans rapists and criminals, a race does not defy who one is, there are many whites that have done many crimes and he has never addressed them. In my opinion he has become the voice that whit supremacists and people who blame immigrants for their woes have been longing to express openly. A child should not see their father being taken away by ICE while being dropped off at school, they are being racially profiled. No one would see ICE in Redondo Beach but rather in Hacienda Heights.
The amount of people deported in these few months is astonishing to see (22,000). I wonder how many of these deportations have been only Hispanic or if there has been other ethnic groups being affected. Many people are quickly alarmed to see that a decision is being made about immigration. Many have been wanting people to decide and make clear if they were for immigration or against it. Now, years later we got what all people wanted: someone who would take a side on immigration. However, I see that this was not the response they were hoping for. The media is very quick to display numbers and show sad families but something I would like to know is if perhaps the people who have been deported, have actually committed crimes. There was a march that happened recently that a friend had attended that was later on portrayed as an anti-Trump march on news networks in Spanish channels. However my friend said “I don’t know why they said that if no one was even marching about that. We were celebrating.” She expressed that they blew their peaceful march out of proportion. Yes, the Attorney General stated that by simply coming in illegally, they are subject to be deported but perhaps these 22,000 were not selected with such a simple criteria but in fact, criminal records. People deserve an opportunity in this country and thankfully we have that through the DREAM act. I agree that people should have an opportunity (as you have shared) to earn their citizenship by studying, paying fines and taxes, and learning English. There are so many people willing to work to be part of the community. I don’t see the protests/riots that have been happening these first 100 days of Trump as a positive thing. Our country is an advance system and as you have shared, these protestors should be as organized as the opposing group. There are rumors that the government itself sent people to these minority communities to have everyone rialed up to make such scenes that justify the actions of the government. That they could demonstrate why these communities need to be removed; because they are the ones acting with violence, they are the ones who don’t want to cooperate, and that they are the ones who are the problem. The police have had to try to handle the manifestations of protests as peaceful as possible so the ones who seem heartless or ruthless are simply the protestors themselves. Like in the novel Invisible Man, people need to truly consider what these protest leaders are showing them. Is there a sincere goal trying to be reached? Bills should be drawn up, meetings should be held, petitions should be signed. But to have things be caught aflame , be broken, piñatas destroyed, making insulting remarks, is not going to get respect or add value to minority groups.
I heard of one of my old high school classmates who was part of the “Dreamers” program who got deported. She was going to a university and was passing her classes on her way to graduation. It is sad to work hard at something and have it taken away just before it is all achieved. I believe there should be exceptions to who ICE deports. One of my family members also lives in fear and is afraid to go out to places because of ICE. I was okay with criminals getting deported but family providers that feed and raise the United States future is just wrong. Immigrants can’t fight for themselves. It is our responsibilities as their children to fight for them. We cannot wait any longer because if we do it might be too late.
It is dangerous to invoke Hitler when discussing politics, but in this case, Trump’s stance on immigrants is VERY similar to the Nazi stance on Jews. Both were blamed for the county’s economic problems very early in the process. Many citizens went along with the accusal. They were angry about their financial situation, and lashed out at anyone they could. Those that didn’t believe that minorities were to blame were treated as if they were in collusion with the “evil” outsiders. Minorities, including Jews, the disabled, homosexuals, and many others, were then forced to wear patches to identify them, and always have their ID cards on them, something Trump has already proposed. Soon after came mass deportations. Deportations were already high under Obama’s administration, but they will only increase. This is where the two regimes differ. Few countries were willing to take in Jewish immigrants. Wanting them completely out of the picture, Hitler turned to his Final Solution; genocide.
In our case, immigrants’ original countries are forced to take them back, and the United States will never directly commit a genocide. However, many immigrants have come to this country to escape the conditions of their homelands. No one would make the incredibly difficult journey unless they were desperate. By sending these people back to famine, disease or war, we may as well be sentencing them to death
My dad always says, “no estamos en tierra de los Americanos. Quien se creen que son?” I always laugh when he says this because it is true. We obey all these laws and at the end we were the ones that invaded the land of others and just say it is ours. This is horrible reality. Now we deport people that don’t “belong” here. Some of us are unfortunate to have families or friends that are undocumented. Two of my best friends are undocumented and they are both part of “Dreamers”. They are both in a university graduating in 2018 but they live in fear because they have friends that have already been deported. It is not fair. I always see posts on Instagram from friends warning others where ICE is. It is scary that they are posted only a mile away from my house and with one of my family members being undocumented it also brings fear to me. Some people that are undocumented are the providers for the people that they live with and without them their lives are ruined. Trump is breaking families apart and he does not care. I believe there should be a longer process in deporting people that have committed small crimes rather than immediately forcing them to leave.
Trump’s administration has affected many people. Deportation has brought fear for the entire immigrant. I am an immigrant, and my family lives their whole life here some of them do remember anything about their country because they believe they are home. Many immigrants work hard not only support their family but also to build this country, and most of them risk their life and put their family in danger because that is we all do for our motherland. So I believe Trump is making a huge mistake, all immigrants are not violent or dangerous for the country.
Trump said since the being of the election that if he was elected president of the United States he would get rid of illegal immigrants and so far he’s bringing his words into action. A lot of immigrants shouldn’t be afraid to walk around in the streets or go to the market or to even go to the park with their child. How can they even bring food to the table if they are scared to even go to work. There is immigrants that have came to the United States since they are little and never in their lives have they been afraid until now. This whole community, city, or state is built because of immigrants. If we make Citizens do what immigrants do they wouldn’t like it they would complain all the time because they are doing a lot for what they are receiving. Immigrants don’t care if they work 10 or even 15 hours a day atlongest they have food and a roof for the children they will do the most for the least. It’s pretty sad how Trump is breaking families apart just because they created a “crime”. I believe the process of deporting immigrants that did crime should take a long process because they do need to be investigated and we all know that it doesn’t take a few hours but Instead they just accuse innocent people and they force them to leave this country. Just imagine being here trying to get a good education just as the “Deamers” program and get deported for not doing anything. That’s pretty disgusting how are people that are going to school because of the “Deamers” process get deported, I don’t really understand that. Trump is just making a huge mistake on everything and I will NEVER support him.
I knew by Trump becoming president immigrants would become even more afraid about getting deported and leaving their kids and families here. The thing that bugs me the most is how young innocent kids will suffer from their parents or loved ones getting deported. Immigrants can not even drop their kids off of school because they will risk running into the I.C.E. Families should not be afraid to even go buy groceries!! Ever since he got elected automatically protest against Trump started to happen and violence was also involved. To me, this is a disgrace to this country that this is our new president. He is making people live in fear, and changing their lives in a negative way!! The white working class should not blame their troubles to immigrants like they do. An American, that lived here all their life blaming their stress on immigrants when an American has more opportunities?