Save the Republic-Defend the Truth !
In light of how our political leaders are currently dealing with the truth in our political dialogues, I looked up its definition. Webster’s dictionary defines “truth” as “Fidelity, Constancy,” “sincerity in action, character, and utterance.” Many Americans see how the “truth” as they understand it, is being under attack by the current Trump’s administration. This is neither hysteria nor hyperbole. Often we see the President and his subordinates talking to media organizations and making serious claims with no supporting evidence. This administration is radically changing this country’s civic landscape. Our public space has become a public entertainment space where everything is infantilized. There is an utter disregard for evidence, truth, and civility.
Anybody with some basic understanding of the structure of civil societies knows that for these societies to function they must be premised on the very simple conviction that a thing called “truth” actually exists and that it can be substantiated. We have certain disciplines that have managed to develop some rigorous process that allows the truth to rise. Whether it is in medicine, law, politics, business, or even journalism, these disciplines have established certain checks within their systems that search for the truth. I am not sure about “politics” anymore.
I recently read a piece in the editorial pages that said how the Oxford Dictionaries website, an organization that monitors new words being used or invented in this world. They choose one every year. They chose “post-truth” as its 2016 word of the year. Sadly, they looked as to how candidate Trump manipulated the truth and got away with it. The man, while campaigning, literally said many things that were not factually correct and still managed to become President of this country. His presidential campaign was filled with lies and he reacted angrily whenever he was being called out. Well known fact-checkers in major newspapers constantly evaluated candidate Trump’s claims in his speeches and they repeatedly pointed out that just a little over 50% of his allegations were truthful. His supporters didn’t care.
Here is how “post-truth” was defined by Oxford Dictionary: “Relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief.” If this is not the end of the Republic, it certainly is the beginning of the end the intellectual class in this country argues.
The Greeks gave us democracy, but it wasn’t a very inclusive one. They left out a whole bunch of people whom they thought were a threat to freedom if they were given citizenship rights. Yes, the “illegal aliens,” the productive class-those who did physical work to make a living and the property-less. They were not part of the political community. These excluded people, the Greeks argued, lacked the ability to competently participate in the community affairs. They couldn’t deliberate and were not able to tell the difference between fact and opinion and they could easily be persuaded by leaders who could appeal to their emotions. Citizenship’s rights were only given to those who have the ability to deliberate the affairs of the state with the objective of finding the truth in the process. Yes, freedom heavily relies on good citizenship, and those who were privileged to be part of the political community must have had the faculties to question leaders, argue the complexities of proposed policies, able to research claims made by other citizens, etc. The truth was out there, and it could only be found through the conversation those lucky enough to be called citizens held with each other in the political community. A commitment to the truth was vital to advance the collective interest in the “polis.”
There have been times in which President Trump has looked into cameras and with a straight face made claims that were totally disconnected from the facts on the grounds. This led people to question whether their president is able to tell when he lies. Now, it is fair to say that this country has always had political leaders who lied to advance their self-interest. There is that story, “Washington couldn’t tell a lie, Nixon, couldn’t tell the truth, and Bill Clinton couldn’t tell the difference.” Nevertheless, any fair-minded pundit out there would attest that Trump’s lies have reached a deeper level, a level of near insanity. He appears to be genetically unable to distinguish between his own reality and collective reality. Trump angrily claimed that his crowds at the inauguration were a lot bigger than they were being reported. Then, he provided no evidence when he made the horrific accusation that former President Obama had bugged him.
Everyone thought that once the election was over, the man would stop and that he would finally pivot. Nope. He immediately doubled down and made silly claims that he had won the electoral college in a landslide and that millions had voted illegally. Trump’s advisors followed suit, Senior adviser Kellyanne Conway in one of the Sunday’s political shows presented silly and false claims as “alternative facts.” The journalist conducting the interview almost fell off his chair after hearing such stupidity coming from a senior advisor to the leader of the free world.
The current state of the Republic is not sustainable. Indeed, this thing will not work if the truth is not taking seriously. Since governments were established, truth in politics has always been vital for any political arrangement that values freedom. The truth is autonomous and doesn’t care whether those in a position of power validate it or if the masses like it. Fortunately, it needs no validation and it doesn’t care about popularity. But the truth has to be searched and honored by people and they must commit themselves to find it. It might take some time, but eventually, the truth prevails.
If we think about it, one might argue, the truth is a public good, just like a freeway or a park. A public good that benefits everyone. If we realize this, then we should all become activists for truth in politics and do whatever we can to mobilize people for a “pro-truth movement.” As a pundit so eloquently stated it while being interviewed on one of the political talk shows. “Without truth, we don’t have trust. Without trust, we don’t have the rule of law. Without the rule of law, we don’t have democracy.” Yes, let’s fight for the truth, this country deserves no less.
Thank you for reading
Works used.
Malone, Matt. “Alternative Facts and the Coming Constitutional Crisis.” America, vol. 216, no. 3, 06 Feb. 2017.
Rodgers, Daniel. T. “When Truth Becomes a Commodity.” Chronicle of Higher Education, vol. 63, no. 20, 20 Jan. 2017.
Tsipursky, Gleb. “Towards a Post-Lies Future: Fighting “Alternative Facts” and “Post-Truth” Politics.” Humanist, vol. 77, no. 2, Mar/Apr2017.
“Truth.” Def. 1a. Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary. Ninth ed. 1988. Print.
Photos credits: Photos were taken from a website with password protected that one of the colleges where I teach pays.
I agree with the the claims Mr. Sanchez made because the Trump’s Administration has no evidence, basically nothing back up he comments or his claims. And people don’t realize that until someone post something or writes an article on that issue. The word truth has been so misinterpreted by many. WE have lost the true meaning of what is it to say the truth or to distinguish the truth of politics. We have lost of our way and lost the value of Democracy and what it is to fight for what is right. We don’t know anymore what media tells us is true or not, if our own President can’t ever tell the truth or have evidence to support his claims, what make us think that we are able to trust him or our government. At times I feel that I have lost all faith in America because it has changed so much in a good way, but our government still fails us. Why couldn’t Congress step up and take down our president. At times I honestly don’t know anymore if we can rely on our government if they can’t even see the truth.
My Thoughts on Piece
I agree with this writing on the truth and how our political leaders have shaped what the truth can be. However, I cannot say that the person who tells lies is to blame as much as you would those who cannot see the difference between a lie and truth. When you hear President Trump say something absurd some individuals will easily notice this guy is crazy and does not know of what he speaks. But for the masses that just watch the news this is their truth. Since they have no ability to be educated because their life consists of work they can only listen to what they hear on the news. Like Plato’s story of the “Allegory of the cave” those people chained down watching the images in front of them thought that what they saw was the real thing. Until they were able to move their heads and body they discovered more and were enlighten as they surfaced from the cave. I do not stray away from the fact that President Trump is only perverting the truth further but we must acknowledge that unfortunately we have more people who are not educated enough to see between these lies then we do that can search for the truth. Then we have individuals who only care if it offends their ethnicity but they will never make effort to discover other truths; perhaps enlighten themselves on topics that affect them indirectly like school, taxes. Our politics has been morphed into moral realism where “might makes right” and the art of persuasion is the only thing that matters. President Trump depicts this perfectly when he wants to present strength and when he wants everyone to know that what he says is the truth; if he can convince you then he can overpower you. The sophists taught about this and sadly we seem to have fallen into this lifestyle where the truth is obsolete. I do believe we can change, if we become educated and understand the gravity of the nation we live in today where justice has not prevailed for a while now, only compromises.
Ulisses – So, how do we deal with the problem about those can’t tell the “difference between a lie and the truth”?
Professor Sanchez I agree with your claim and the article as a whole. It is true President Trump has lied to us since the first day he decided to run. It astounds me how people could actually vote for him knowing all the lies he has portrayed through his campaign and even now in his presidency, I feel like media has played a crucial part in “truth” because now in these days you do not know what is true or not. It is sad how much is being hidden by the President especially when it comes to the words he states. He can’t even back up what he says. As bad as this may seem the lies that people ended up believing will hurt us in the long run.
As I read this piece I begin to think as to what the individuals that supported President Trump during his campaign were thinking…I understand that the nation did not have much of a choice in the selection of the president yet I still wonder, how we as a nation could have allowed it to get this bad.
A campaign fueled solely on hate induced lies, lies that fueled the inner prejudices amongst the citizens are the same lies that are slowly destroying this republic. Slowly yet fiercely re-segregating its citizens back to a time where demonstrating hate amongst one another was socially acceptable, to a time where the god honest truth was not accepted. President Trump is showing no regards towards the public good, rather he is showing how insane he truly is.
It’s hard to articulate thought in response to this piece because of the frustrations that this administration has caused. I feel as if trump continues running the show the way he has been then the nation will come to its knees, however I don’t agree that this is the beginning of the end…I believe this is the beginning of a civic revolution, I believe that pieces like this will motivate individuals to get politically involved, and by politically involved I don’t mean a “walk-out” or a protest, pieces like this will incite individuals to potentially run for offices. Individuals of good moral standing, individuals that truly know what it means to be un-biased.
Although these are dark and troubling times in the world of politics it’s in these moments of struggle where individuals rise to the playing field and take initiative. Hopefully someday soon we will have a proper leader, one who is open to the ideas of others, one who is willing to stand against the norm and believe in the public good.
I strongly agree with the whole claim stated above because in order for a person to be a great leader not only of a whole nation but in general we must speak with the truth at all times, especially when you are the most powerful man in the world. What good does it serve to tell people what they want to hear if your actions aren’t going to reflect upon your words of promises. Politics now and for many years past has became a corrupt chain of hierarchies, that is in my opinion. That’s honestly the reason why I’m not a political person because at the end of the day the only thing that matters is how much money these politicians take in, they don’t care about the greater good or what they can do for society as a whole they only care about how full of money their pockets will be. Going back to Donald Trump I don’t even know where to start, he claimed to say that he was going to make many changes to “Make America Great Again” but what has he done in reality? Nothing besides cause more problems! He fed his supporters many lies which they sadly believed for I don’t know what reason but I can assure you that many of them now are starting to regret their vote. Another thing that I also wanted to comment on is that the news that the media is feeding us isn’t always the best either. They are just letting us see certain aspects that are convenient to this political controversy going on day by day but they don’t show us the full gravity of the situation.
After reading your article professor it made me want to have an actual conversation with an actual trump supporter who knows on to why he would actually be a good president. In Hispanic communities all we hear is why he’s a bad president and are told that he’s coming right after us but they never give us solid reasoning other than the fact that he wants us out of here. Reading your article gave me more of an idea of why he is a bad president and we can both strongly agree that he has been so far, but he is our president and like you’ve told us before even though we may dislike him he’s still our president and we should do something to make him be a better one and have him serve us like he should. He is the leader of one of the strongest nations in today’s world he makes us look like we really don’t understand what politics is and makes some of us just feel ashamed. The best thing to do I think would be to gather our communities and make him understand his actions and how they are going to not only impact present day situations but also future situations due to his actions. The way he lies about things that do not have any significance at all like lying about how many people were at his inauguration is shameful. It’s little things like this that really should make us look carefully at what he’s doing because he could end up lying to us the people about something that may impact the nation heavily.
What i found most interesting in your piece was the reference you made to the Greek idea of democracy. I had not done much research into the Greek era so reading this was an important look back into the roots of the American political system. Interesting to note that the Greeks did not include the poor and property-less in their political community but in America we do include the poor, or we did… or do we? Every American citizen has the right to vote, and so therefore everyone has a voice and all voices matter…. unless of course your are a prisoner. To me what is so fascinating about the Greek notion of exclusion is that reasoning behind their exclusion was that these people did not have the intellectual capacity to make responsible decisions, thus limiting freedom for everyone else. But the American system has proven that given that same freedom and inclusion most people would choose to either not participate or become influenced by leaders who can effectively appeal to their emotions. Either way the outcome appears to be the same. Most people do not vote, political leaders are corrupt, and money rules the world. Over the years I’ve witnessed some shocking things take place in our country, like a president declaring war on a country, that did not attack us, without the approval of congress, in direct violation of the constitution and suffers zero consequences for it. The wealthiest CEO’s continue to collect huge bonuses after their companies directly contributed to the collapse of our financial system and suffered zero consequences for it, celebrities and athletes with millions of dollars buy themselves out of jails and crimes they’ve committed, and congressional leaders come out on the floor of congress and deliver half truth’s and alternative facts to the public they were elected to serve and suffer zero consequences for it. I’m beginning to realize something about the Greek idea of democracy, this freedom that I, the poor and property less proclaim as a right of human life was never really intended for me. The freedom they proclaimed for all was really just freedom from me.
My thoughts
I agree with this piece as i read it and immediately question how president trump, was able to format his own way of defining what is truth and get away with it. Although we already know that we are being lied too why do we continue to perceive lies? and accept the aftermath. Sadly the minority continue to be taken advantage of in tough situations where they have no voice and can be left at stake. The word truth does not exist in politics, why because we will always have officials who have self-interest for themselves in order to advance greedy agendas that will not benefit the nation. We have seen it in the past and through modern day government. The main problem is a handful of people do not have the desire to educate themselves or question our decisions or neither critically analyse our political leaders. While I agree with this piece, my main concern is how do we allow tragedy to occur? but not prevent it from further happening. I believe until we have the majority of people figure out what is lies and what is truth we will be able to become more proactive in politics.
It is very clear that the truth is not anymore what people is looking for. The media has made the truth so irrelevant that if people does not watch the news they are uninformed but if they watch them the are misinformed. The media has a big a roll in educating people against the untruth. Bad education leads to bad judging of facts, and bad judging leads to bad decision making. Bad decision making has to be related with the bad election of our leaders like what happened with Donald Trump (that is clearly a good example of a person telliing the untruth). And not trying to say that is all media’s fault but it has a big roll on educating. If people educate themselves about politics, knowing what is beneficial and what is not to the society, world woul be a better place.
My favorite part of this writing was when you said “Nevertheless, any fair-minded pundit out there would attest that Trump’s lies have reached a deeper level, a level of near insanity.” I agree with your view on how ridiculous Trump is with his outrageous claims and “alternative facts”. I would have liked to have read more examples of what claims and reactions you were talking about in here. I honestly do not like the last sentence. When you said “Yes let’s fight”, I was wondering when the question of a fight was being established. Your second to last sentence was very empowering but the last sentence wasn’t as strong. Overall, this piece of writing was an intriguing piece about how absurd it is for Trump to be our president.
The truth should always be said in order for there to be a change and for others to take action. Trump likes to say his “truth” he likes to get things done his way which affects the rest because he only thinks about himself. Him thinking about himself is a problem because as a leader his job is to look out for the rest. It seems like since he strongly believes in his truth it is so easy to lie. There is a problem when it comes to him always just saying certain things he does not really think about what he says or just does not care. Then he tries to take things back. There are people who say he is very honest but not in the best way because it is usually his opinion it is so easy for him to say what he wants to say and then keeps what he does not what others to know. If he is going to say his truth he must say all the truth not just what benefits him. It is sad to see how people still support him even after knowing how he really is. If he started with lies once in control it was not going to get any better because now he got what he wanted so he is going to continue being himself and that is it that is how he is and there is no going back.
After reading your article I agree with you to a certain extent. First off I’m going to start off by saying I am not a trump supporter I am just a go with the flow kind of guy that tries not to get involved into politics, and to be honest I didn’t favor any of the candidates. I agree with you on that Trump is not a truthful kind of guy, but neither has any of our past presidents, many presidents have made promises and have never followed through with any of them so why fire on Trump for that. So as for the word “Truth” I don’t believe it has ever existed in any presidential election these candidates say what the people want to hear. To be honest I wasn’t a big Trump supporter at the beginning, but seeing how he has handled himself with all us Americans hating on him, North Korea wanting to go to war, and Russia flying jets over US ships and American soil the man has handled himself pretty well. As for the claims on his crowd size for his inauguration, I watched it and the crowd size was just as large as any other past president’s. What I don’t get everyone talks about “don’t believe the media all the media does is lie”, but why when it comes to Trump everyone starts to believe the media with photos of that inauguration with people just gathering in, the media had said that it was the actual size of the crowd and compared it to obamas full crowd size. I am starting to slowly believe that a president like Trump has come at the right time for our country he’s got that “don’t take shit from no one” attitude, and with the missles North Korea are testing and Russia flying their jets over our ships and American soil they may want to think twice.
If we used the same democratic system as the Greeks did and granted only those “worthy” of citizenship rights, then very few people would have citizenship here in the US. I would argue that by that logic, Trump would have never stood a chance at becoming president, because he did so mostly by appealing to the emotions of those who elected him. You compare the truth to a public good, which i disagree with. Many people would rather stay ignorant of the truth which is why they elected Donald Trump as president; he tells the public what they want to hear. I think that the problem here is the people, as citizens we must educate ourselves to be able to distinguish the truth from the lies. In doing so we can eradicate the possibility of lies prevailing over truths.
My thoughts on this is that President trump hit everyone by surprise when he when he won for presidency. The part that stands out to me the most is the truth. Everyone deserves to know the truth and not be lied to by our leader. I also agree with Jorge Vences when he says “The word truth does not exist in politics, why because we will always have officials who have self-interest for themselves in order to advance greedy agendas that will not benefit the nation”. This describes politics to the tee in my opinion alot of people are always thinking whats in it for me and never whats in it for the community or everyone in general. I believe once people are more considerate of others the world can change in a big way instead of everyone always worrying about themselves.
I agree with the claim that Mr.Sanchez is making because well all know that you can’t make a claim without having the true evidence behind. However, President Trump thought that he could away from it but there is always people watching and will be over think of what you are trying to prove. Even though you have all the power in the word doesn’t mean that you can manipulate the law because there will be someone higher than you and could take you down at any minute. It’s astonishing how people would let them self buy from other people just to get more money out of it even though they know the type of consequences they are getting them self into they would do anything for the money. I always thought that the government, laws, and public protecting are here to defend your right but that doesn’t seem so because they could easily get bought off. Now who will we trust if the government is being bought off but our own President is their any place or person that can we truly trust on this. Therefore, I did find these quote interesting “Without truth, we don’t have trust. Without trust, we don’t have the rule of law. Without the rule of law, we don’t have democracy.” This quote is practically say that in this world if people don’t follow any rule than what the point of following rules if no one is following.
I read this piece of writing and I agree with the fact that President Trump has been lying since he decided to run for President. I try to find a good reason to why Trump would make a good President and from what he has done in his first few months as our President I have found none. From getting rid of illegal aliens to launching missles just to prove a point is not convincing me he would make this world great. The interesting part is the Greeks were the roots to the idea of democracy. I did not know the poor class was not considered part of the community even tho the poor class made a difference in their community. Maybe Trump is trying to repeat history and take it back to how it was back in the days. Some might like what how has handled himself and showing how much power he gained after winning the election. Trump constantly lying and denying everything he gets called out for also doesnt show me how he would be a great leader. I feel if he kept his lying to a minimum and speaks with the truth not just telling people what they would like to hear would help him in getting more supporters. The group of people who get their info from the news or media is going to find that as their “truth” compared to other would are more informed in the situations and know a different “truth”. This is hard to tell what is the full truth when the media doesnt tell the complete truth.
When I heard Trump was our new president I was shocked. The fact that he does things without thinking worries me especially since he is on the horizon of possibly starting WW3. Trump has always made accusations that never had evidence and the same goes for his supporters. Trump has always been part of that 1% and only cares for profit. He has made lies to advance his position and frankly I fear that when it comes to lying Trump has made it a lifestyle. He does not know the difference between truth and assumptions. When it comes to political beliefs people tend to take opposing views as personal insults. I believe the truth is crucial for people and the truth should not be a privilege but a right for all.
I agree, President Trump has lied to us. He always blabs about doing things and in different interviews he says completely opposite things. It is still shocking to think this man is our president and yet after all he has done people are still praising him. After all Trump does not like to be wrong, he only cares for his wealth and family. In order to be presidents you must have other peoples perspectives and be able to accept being wrong at times.
I don’t understand how we were able to let trump into the Whitehouse , like the article said He manipulated the truth and people still went for him. It makes you realize how the world is changing in a democratic point of view . It shows the younger generation that it’s ok to lie but if they are brought up to lie then how will anyone ever know the truth , that’s why I feel it is impotant to stay woke to what’s really going on, regardless of what’s going on you can’t ignore the facts , don’t believe everything the media is saying. If you allow the truth to be hidden how can there be truth , a nation built off lies only worsens with time. There will be no stability kind of like what’s going on in today’s world , with trump at it with north Korea and bombing Syria there’s no telling whats going to happen.
I agree. I was so shocked when I would hear this man in his campaigns, but the real shock came after, when they announced he had won. Of course knowing better, I knew right away the elections have had to be rigged. I don’t understand why people would vote for him, but ignorance is bliss. Trump clearly isn’t a trustworthy man, he contradicts everything he states, this can be tracked down in his past interviews. One interview in particular stands out to me, where he states that if he ever was to run for office, he would run as a republican because they are the most gullible people. He said they are the people that will believe anything you tell them. He has proven that to be very true, yet no one seems to bat an eye or care enough to educate themselves to find a solution.
“We teach them to take their patriotism at second-hand; to shout with the largest crowd without examining into the right or wrong of the matter–exactly as boys under monarchies are taught and have always been taught. We teach them to regard as traitors, and hold in aversion and contempt, such as do not shout with the crowd, and so here in our democracy we are cheering a thing which of all things is most foreign to it and out of place–the delivery of our political conscience into somebody else’s keeping. This is patriotism on the Russian plan.” -Mark Twain, a biography
I agree with your piece Mr.Sanchez, Trump has many Americans wondering what is the real truth. Now in days media manipulates our society and confuses us. At this point, it’s important to search for the truth because we can’t trust what the media or what our own president tell us. It’s also impressive how Trump still got elected to be our president, even though he made those lies. I believe that some people in this generation don’t care for the truth because they’re more focused on the thing they care for. This makes it hard for us to know the truth because they only see what the media want us to see. In order to know the truth, we have to be attentive on what really is going on around us because the truth should not be denied from us.
It is shameful that Trump said many false claims so that he can obtain what he wants. Eventually like stated here, the truth always prevails. At some point the people will realize that choosing Trump as president is a big mistake. But the people will only learn this through the actions Trump makes. His actions will have consequences that people who know the truth will see and if those who do not see it must be in a dream.
It is unbelievable to see how this current administration makes their claims the way they do. The people who keep their eyes open can see it. You can see the way how this administration executes its motives. This ‘post truth’ politics is very dangerous to the reliability and legitimacy of our government’s principle of popular sovereignty. How can the people represent themselves in our government without the truth?
Our society is confounded by social media, newspapers, the internet, we do not know what to believe, or who to believe. It is ironic, the more outlets we have to find information, the more difficult it is to find a credible source. It is our responsibility as citizens to challenge the ideas in politics. It is an alarming issue that millennials struggle with, the search for truth. In a world of mass communication, you would think it would be easier to find, but it proves to be the other way around. The people must unite. Instead of pointing the finger at one another, something that was frequently done in Trump’s campaign, we must look at ourselves and change our character.
“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”
John F. Kennedy
Trump’s inauguration couldn’t have came in a better time in my life as I am taking this Political Science class. He has inspired me to become more involved and also to learn how to use persuasion. I have always had teachers who would always try to let us become aware of what is going on but no one ever really understood until Trump became President. It was as if all the racism was hiding within us and him winning brought it all out. It truly is amazing, I can not urge the fact more that our entire country’s priorities are upside down. It seems as if education is a joke to Americans. I am saddened. As I get older I understand and really grasps the importance of knowledge.
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After reading this selection , it for sure opened my eyes as to how the government aspect of politics can just do what they want, its really mind boggling . I agree with Mr Sanchez about how trump ran his campaign. I dont think its fair for someone to run this country off of lies, but then again we have been lied to for many years about more things than this. I feel like the truth behind things the presidential candidates talk about need to have truth behind what they are saying , facts , not just self interest things or just telling people what they want to hear. We need someone who will be for the people because we are all the same regardless of skin color age. With trump coming out as he did to win the votes for president it shows me alot about how our country is ran and it makes me want to be more involved and find out the authenticity behind what politicians are saying, we all have to come together and realize whats real and whats false.
I agree with the article due to how Trump is leading the country in a negative impact for many citizens and non-citizens. Trump gives the people the “truth” based on his perspective of the truth or tells people what they want to here, yet his statements are in no evidence to show. The issue here is that people don’t know how to educate the common word, “truth”. People can be gullible in what they see in media. It is hard to distinguish the word “truth” in past and today’s generation; it makes us really think if our president or both parties are honest or not. Democracy is slowly dying and that could lead to advantages for the worse. When ever I see media regarding to politics, all I see is shame and disappointment, knowing that we have an uneducated president that has no idea of the subject in politics nor experience when becoming a president. I am glad that people are realizing this issue and are taking political action into trying to change the way how America should be, and always be.
As I read this, I am reminded of a quote ‘‘ facts and the truth are not partisan. They are the bedrock of our democracy.And you are either with them, with us, with our constitution, our history, and our future as a nation or you are against it’’- Dan Rather (January 22,). Mr. Rather is right politicians like to put party before truth, with no regard for the American people. I would also agree with the fact that Trump can state outlandish claims, and his supporters will still believe him. As citizens of this country, it is our job to be informed and aware of what is truly occurring. Just because the president refuses to use facts, does not mean that we must ignore them. Especially when he makes outlandish claims such ”immigrant voted illegally” and ”he that he won the electoral college in a landslide”. These claims have been proven to be wrong, yet he continues to push his surrogates to lie for him. As this article points out, this new ”post-truth” age will be a true measure of our resilience as a nation.
More people need to read this. I am not a trump supporter but many people are and they are so naive. I watched the debates only because of all the gossip I was hearing. I thought Clinton was so prepared for her speeches and you can tell that Trump wasn’t. He says things without thinking. He doesn’t tell the truth and people don’t bother to look up the things he claimed. Trump is only smart in realizing that he can get his way by telling people what they want to hear. He studies his audience and figures out what they like; that is why I believe there are so many Trump supporters. Your article somehow made me remember when Trump kept saying the polls are rigged. I think he wasn’t confident. I would understand why he would say that because he has accused people of things and people have accused him of other things. He wouldn’t apologize for hurting others with his racist comments. I was shocked and it is such a disgrace that there are people that support Trump. I cannot wait for his term to end.
I wrote a comment a couple weeks ago, but I can’t find it now, so I’ll expand on what I wrote. In my earlier comment, I wrote about how this willful ignorance started well before Trump. Conservative news sites like Fox News and Breitbart started delegitimizing genuine news sources well before Trump did, and may have inspired him to do so. (There is ample evidence that Trump copies what he sees on Fox, and Steve Bannon remains his Chief Strategist.)
Recently, Fox News has lost viewership, due in part to the sexual harassment charges piling up, and the ouster of some of their most popular hosts, including Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity. Many people have said that this is a good thing. They’re arguing that viewers are wising-up, and have switched to more reputable news sources, because of the way Fox has been pushing aside the scandals surrounding Trump. I think that this could actually be much worse. Instead of turning to news organizations like CNN, former Fox watchers could be turning the other way, towards sites like conservativereview.com, louderwithcrowder.com, and the dailywire. Fans of Bill O’Reilly likely followed him to Glenn Beck’s show. This is even more dangerous. Fox News was public enough that crazy views could easily be spotted and refuted. If people are turning to a wide array of more obscure sources, they are tuning in to conspiracy theories that are harder to denounce, and more hateful
Professor, I think this article definitely captures the impact made from this new presidency. To have our new word be post-truth shows us where we are as a society. As once shared with us, we got what we deserved. As a generation who lacks a drive in engaging in politics we are reaping what we’ve sown. It is astonishing to consider that our new president has spoken such remarks. I think we should take this as a wake up call. The call is not to overthrow the current system or any type of anarchy but rather to take our role in our advance government system. As you have mentioned, we have had previous signs or similarities of this post-truth personality. The truth is something we have to seek to attain and this responsibility not only falls on our president but the rest of the parts of government and the citizens.
When I found out that trump was our new president I was in shock because I honesty did not think he would be out next president. But the fact that he does not think before doing things is what worries others and myself. I feel he is at risk of starting a WWIII. Donald trump has made many accusations and has had no proof as to what he accuses. He has only really cared for getting profit from everything. He has only lied to get a better position. He has lied many times that he has only made it a habit and it’s what he does now as his lifestyle. He does not know the difference between truth or lies. When people start to think about what their political beliefs people now take them as personal insults. Trump knows how to get people’s attention by telling them what they want to hear and he knows just exactly how to give them what they want by knowing what they like. People just don’t bother looking up whether he can a certain something or if what they are saying is true. I am shocked that he has become out presidents and I cannot wait till his term is over.
I agree. Being upfront in any situation in any case can be the best scenerio because you attack everything head on. Many liked that trump did not have a filter and many disagreed with it. But at least everyone knew who they were voting for. He did not put up a front and show us the fake side. and he continues to show us that he is a man of his word and although everyone thought it was and acted and he was bluffing, he wasn’t which is why trump voters should now not be surprised.
what is the truth? According to Trump its whatever he says even when there is no supporting evidence to his claims. The truth needs evidence even the slightest bit of evidence can make a difference. I feel that the media does uncover the truth and emphasize the truth at times but the difference with the media and Trump is that the media has evidence. The truth is what keeps everything together, no one likes to be lied to so why should the people of the United States be lied to especially by their President. And when the media discover his lies he criticizes the media calling them “fake news”.
In country where popularity holds more influence than a politician, where does information become misleading? Is it from mouths of citizens, the magazines we read, the media or from our President? It is insane how just by the President’s social media can influence the world. Commercials, movies and television shows all have one thing in common, misleading information and basically the President is a walking entertainment scheme. He has turned politics into a WWE wrestling event. This billion-dollar entertainment industry knows how to influence the masses using popularity, information, and sneaky techniques to manipulate our generation and with the help of our “leader” it has become an even more successful tool. For decade’s advertising companies have used media to exploited women and people of color while also representing a commodification of cultures that seems to only offer trite stereo types of the marginalized people and it seems Trump is right behind it.. These subliminal messages of “post truth” are disguised influencing adults, children and future generations, these messages can no longer be ignored.
Fascinating piece professor Chamba, indeed Trump has made lies to get what he wanted, and it is very dangerous for our nation as well as the entire world because if he continues like this (I pray he will not), WW III may break out soon. The other most important thing we should pay attention especially those who support Trump is that he is destroying the country’s image as well as our liberty. If I am not mistaken the racism, and the heat crime increases after his election. Is this the way that he is going to make “America great again.” What I am saying is the truth is in front of us we just pretend been blind to see it!!!