Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Truth and Justice
Back to the grind!
I took a hiatus from writing pieces because of my candidacy for the LAUSD Board of Education. I was finally able to catch up, and I am ready to start writing again. I relish having my own voice of what takes place in the political firmament. I want to write opinions that will decipher, critique, and even praise those who act against the prevailing political thinking.
In the interest of promoting citizenship and its responsibilities, I am interested in starting conversations, not ending them, exploring questions, not dictating answers. I genuinely mean this.
I welcome all contentious but civilized conversations. I will endeavor to follow the truth; of course, this will be my truth. Since I do not own it, said truth would be subject to be examined and challenged. In the words of Alexander Hamilton, “My motives must remain in the depository of my breast. My arguments will be open to all and maybe judged of by all. They shall at least be offered in a spirit which will not disgrace the cause of the truth.” Yes, I will greatly appreciate it if people take their time to read my thoughts and engage me. However, when you do, please do not question my motives or attack me personally.
When it comes to politics, I usually take the path that is more pragmatic and less ideological. I utterly despise being pigeonholed with the ideological labels used in the conventional spectrum of political choice. Yes, I am relentlessly analytical, and I distrust all institutions and individuals that accumulate unaccountable power.
I also believe in the gospel that “truth matters.” Hence we should all strive to speak truth to power not just to folks on the other side of the aisle but also to our so-called- “friends.” It is also vital that we ask the questions of justice regardless of who it is for or against.” There is this notion in Los Angeles in which most people believe that speaking truth to power is solely about giving the finger to Trump or standing up to conservative forces. Speaking truth to Trump is easy, speaking truth to our friends who exploit or abuse folks in our community requires strength. Anyone in the public space advocating for the public interest is fair game for me.
“Liberal politicians” have governed Los Angeles for the last thirty years. We have had the same pressing issues in this city year in and year out. It is insane! Same politicians, they started at the Assembly, then moved to the city council and then either became a county supervisor or a congressional representative. This game of musical chairs is currently being played out as both Kevin De Leon and Mark Ridley Thomas are trying to win a seat in the city council. Our politicians are not interested in solving problems. The day after these politicians get elected to a particular office, they begin campaigning for the next one.
To make matters worse, it seems that many non-profit organizations have joined the political class. These organizations have become subservient to political power. The interest of the people, who these organizations are supposed to represent, has become an afterthought. I will surely be looking into these organizations and praise those who are helping and giving hope and hold accountable those who are just using or exploiting our people.
The 2020 year is around the corner, and it will be a profound year in politics. We will not only be electing the next president, but we will also be voting for very important propositions here in California. One of the lessons we painfully learned after Trump won in 2016 is that we are a very polarized and divided country. The inability of the two major parties to work together makes it difficult for all of us. It will be nothing but gridlock and radical swings in the creation of public policies when those who govern us cannot reach consensus. It is challenging to address the daunting issues of poverty, climate change, and education if there is no bipartisan consensus.
Pundits know that many more voters in California cast their votes during presidential elections. Therefore, political strategists advise powerful political forces in the state to mount vital statewide ballot measure campaigns during presidential years. Indeed, liberal groups have joined labor unions and have set themselves on a collision course with well-founded corporate entities. It is about that property tax fight that has been brewing for decades. Progressive groups in the state want corporate entities to pay property taxes based on the current market value of said properties. These new tax collections will provide more funding for education and government services to the poor; these liberal groups argue. The fight to amend Prop. 13 will surely be expensive and might potentially change the power structure of California’s political firmament.
Furthermore, Assembly Bill 5, the law that limits companies such as Uber, Lyft, and DoorDash to use workers as independent contractors, appears that it will be challenged. Each company has committed $30 million for a campaign in 2020 that seeks to alter AB 5. It is known as the “$90 million mystery ballot measure.” It is not clear whether there is still hope for renegotiating this law legislatively or whether they will have a proposition on the ballot. It will be difficult for labor groups to engage in these two fights at the same time. They will have some implications in trying to amend Prop. 13 as labor groups will have to make choices as to how to use their resources.
Moreover, in the county of Los Angeles, voters will be deciding who will be the next L.A. County District Attorney. The race for the District Attorney is consequential, this office is this country’s biggest prosecutorial office. Other D.A’s offices in the nation seek the L.A. County District Attorney office for guidance when it comes to policies dealing with the justice system. The current Los Angeles Dist. Atty. Jackie Lacey has angered progressives in this city. Lacey’s prosecutorial decisions are too close to those who like harsh policies connected to “law and order.”
Finally, I have unwavering compassion for the disenfranchised, support common-sense humanly immigration reform, and loathe the current grotesque inequities in the distribution of resources.
Let’s roll!
Thank you for reading.