Packing the Courts With Right Wing-Ideologues. Trump Is Winning "Bigly." Why Aren't We in the Streets?
Progressive voters should endeavor to focus on substantive endeavors. People should not waste time following Trump’s tweets and posting memes ridiculing him. As some of us celebrate Trump’s impeachment, the courts are being packed with pro-life, pro-guns, anti-workers, and xenophobic judges. They are also very young and lack legal experience; many of these new judges have never litigated a case.
Why aren’t progressives in the streets denouncing these judicial appointments?
Trump and U.S. Senate Republican-Leader Mitch McConnel have cemented a conservative legacy on this country’s judicial branch for decades to come. All this radical change took place in Trump’s first term; one can only extrapolate what will happen if Trump wins re-election in November 2020. The progressive social change that has been made might be jeopardized as judges have the power to strike down laws passed by Congress. It is true that “approving legislation, a legislator/president plays for the next election, putting a judge on the courts a legislator/president plays for the next generation.”
Case in point, The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments for gay and transgender rights, immigration, abortion, guns, and religion this past fall. Justices will rule on these cases during the summer of 2020. These cases are in jeopardy if we take into account the newly appointed justices, Brett M. Kavanaugh and Justice Neil M. Gorsuch, both appointed by Trump. It is difficult to see these justices not sticking to their biases rather than using the Constitution for guidance to rule.
So far on his first term, President Trump has 158 judicial nominees and they all were confirmed by the Republican-led U.S. Senate. Here is the breakdown of these judges, two of them are Supreme Court Justices, 44 Circuit Court Judges, and 112 District Court Judges. There are currently “870 authorized Article III judgeships: nine on the Supreme Court, 179 on the courts of appeals, 673 for the district courts and nine on the Court of International Trade.” President Trump has appointed more circuit judges than any other president. According to the White House’s website, “1 out of 4 active judges on the court of appeals are Trump’s appointees.” The Judiciary is being transformed by the day by this administration. Where is the outrage?
The saying goes that the Supreme Court has the last word and that whatever is decided by these justices becomes the law of the land. Although the number of cases the U.S. Supreme Court hears is approximately 125 a year out of the 8,000 that are usually sent for consideration. Since not all cases are heard by the Supreme Court, whatever these circuit courts decide stands.
The fact that the Republican-controlled Senate refused to hold a hearing for Obama’s lower court nominees in the last two years of his presidency made Trump’s presidency more meaningful for conservatives in this country. There were so many vacancies to fill. President Trump has been just a rubber stamp for conservatives in this country who want conservatives judges for decades to come. Many conservatives do not care about silly tweets and his lack of civility. They reason that they will always be better off with Trump in the Oval Office than any democrat currently battling it out in the Democratic primaries.
I still vividly remember how progressives and those on the left used to make fun of then-president George W. Bush. Every gaffe this man would make was magnified a thousand times. We all laughed hysterically about Bush’s lack of coherence and intellect. While we were rolling on the floor in laughter, Bush was giving a tax break to the very rich. He also tried to privatize social security and he sent our kids to Afghanistan and Iraq while re-structuring the federal government.
Fast forward to 2019; It is evident that we have not learned. Most progressives and people on the left are obsessed with Trump’s tweets. We seem to be oblivious to the political reality; the man is turning the clock on many progressive policies, from environmental reversal to tax breaks to the rich to the inhuman enforcement of immigration laws.
“Conservative culture warriors” appear to have found a way to keep progressives and liberals distracted. It is all about “owning the libs” conservatives sarcastically claim. “Conservatives love it earnestly, liberals love it ironically,” the saying goes. The meaning of “owning” someone essentially means humiliating manipulating a person online. Moreover, “lib” are those so-called lefties or liberals who have enough time on their hands and spend endless hours reading political stuff online.
People on the right post-non-sense comments online so they can agitate these “libs,” e.g., Trump tweeting or saying that he will change the constitution so he can run for a third term. Conservatives know that this will never happen, but some “libs” still react ferociously. Reacting to stupidity, you read on the internet is a self-defeating act.
For example, last week, The U.S Senate approved not one but two Trump nominees to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Yes, the one that is headquartered in San Francisco, an essential court of appeal known to rule in favor of those without a voice in this country. This is the court that rules for “nine western states and its decisions affect 60 million people.” Trump dislikes this court with a passion and he has the last laugh. Here is what progressives need to focus on. I have yet to hear noises about these appointments.
No Democratic presidential candidate has said anything or acknowledged how these courts are being packed with young right-wing individuals and its consequences. The “Corporate” and “Socialist” Democrats are mired in fruitless infights. Judges are critical in the political arrangement that we have in place. Remember, that Supreme Court case Bush v. Gore, in which the court gave us President Bush or Brown versus the Board of Education or Roe Versus Wade, these cases changed American society.
The Framers of the Constitution must be spinning in their graves. They foresaw a Supreme Court with the sole responsibility of interpreting the Constitution when needed in the event of new societal changes. They robustly debated about what that “interpretation” meant. They did not want judges to engage in the creation of public policy because that would usurp the democratic process. The policy-making power resides in Congress, Hamilton asserted.
In Federalist Papers No. 78, he envisioned that having unelected and appointed individuals in the judiciary branch of government would insulate these judges from the politics of the day. He further argued that this branch of government would be “the weakest of the branches and it would have no influence over either the sword or the purse,…..it may truly be said to have neither FORCE nor Will, but merely judgment.” He argued in this essay.
Thank you for reading.
Photo Credit: Photo used in this essay came from Stock Photstock.
Sources consulted.
Graham, David A. “Trump Has Successfully Gamed the Courts.” The Atlantic 13, Dec.2019.
Hamilton, Alexander. Federalist No. 78. The Federalist, Ed. Clinton Rossiter. New York, 2003. 463-464
Liptak, Adam. “As the Supreme Court Gets Back to Work, Five Big Cases to Watch.” The New York Times 11 Nov. 2019.
Peyser, Eve. “The Summer’s Hottest Trend Is Owning the Libs.” Rolling Stone 26 July 2018.
United States, White House. FACT SHEETS, “President Donald J. Trump Is Appointing a Historic Number of Federal Judges to Uphold Our Constitution as Written.” 6 Nov. 2019.
Wick, Julia. “Column: Trump having his revenge on California as he remakes once-liberal 9th Circuit court.” Los Angeles Times 22 Dec. 2019.
The focus on this article was to enlighten readers that Trump is filling the judicial branches of government with people who have similar views. The majority Republican Senate refused to hold a hearing for Obama’s lower court nominees, but President Trump has over 150 judges that are being appointed to office. The Republicans are forming a stronghold and Americans will be forced to hit the streets in the next few years. With the factions of the republican party taking over and becoming the majority, they will lead the executive, legislative, and judiciary branch of the government. Even though judges aren’t supposed to be swayed by political parties, when a president appoints someone, you know it usually comes with a favor down the road. Overall, this essay does seem biased with a call for action against the moves of president Trump’s motions in office. This essay focuses on highlighting all of the negative things Trump is doing in office without telling the readers the good that he is done in office.
Being manipulated with lies and twisted tweets can go only as far as the success of another person, where as I agree that one is blinded by the false promises politically said online.
From this article, I can see the author’s point was to expose all the red flags Trump is doing, and remind us this has happened before. Not that this is opinionated based, but more of spreading awareness, I am now clearly informed about this, and fear about how disclosed it is.
I don’t even understand why Donald Trump turn into presedent. People who voted for hiim are dumb just like him. He hasn’t done no good since he turn president. So I hope he doesn’t win re-election this November.
They need to keep us distracted from what really is going on its all part of a master plan and were been manipulated.
I feel attacked for my innocence and complacency that this article implies of liberals, but that is beyond the point. I actually agree with this, too long have liberals been associated with the young growing generation. This generation, we come to see are amongst they most politically uninvolved, some consume media for hours on end. They reassure their belief by following people that agree with them and question why they avoid difficult conversation. They avoid challenging themselves to grow, shameful.
I personally believe because he is a white, rich, and a male, he is able to get away with it.
We really do need to be out in the streets and their should be more community government classes readily available to students at a younger age that will make them aware of their civic rights. This should be done before it is too late and we have overly conservative views stripping away the opportunity from the less fortunate.
Our country has been drifting further and further away from its moral Christian views for a while now. Ever since Roe v Wade, in the courts, our nation started its descent towards Hell. The antiwar movement of the 1960’s was about peace, flower power, free love/sex. This group is identified as the Hippies and their movement was the starting point of the break-away from traditional family values in America, a youth rebellion. Soon there in 1973, the supreme court ruled in favor making abortion legal in America. It is said that every generation degenerates and this is clear to be the case in America today.
It’s apparent that degeneration of the new kids on the block is a natural process. What we are seeing in today’s society like mass school shootings goes back to the Columbine high school massacre of 1999. These shootings got lots of media attention, I believe, because it was innocent white kids getting randomly shot for the first time. I saw lots of my friends die from the Decade of Death in Los Angeles from 1988 to 1998, and they are still dying from the effects of that self-genocide today. The argument is that those kids were all bad, let them kill themselves, who cares. I never seen the media cover this the way we see it being done in today’s media. The argument is made that we didn’t have social media like we have today but that idea is a farce. The same thing is happening in Chicago right now, they are experiencing extremely high gang related homicides like Los Angeles saw in the Decade of Death and where is the media for this, again? The root of the problem in the Earthly realm is the “Unequal distribution of wealth”, in other words poverty. Areas of high crime and violence is typically associated with poverty which is a result of the lack of quality education and the family value for it. In the spiritual realm though, our country has been removing God more and more away from the public, the separation of church and state. It’s should never be mandatory for people to believe in God because God didn’t make robots to follow him at command, that kind of love is not genuine. But when the government starts to take down the 10 commandments and starts replacing that with statues of satanic figures instead, watch out because that is what we will get.
I think it’s long overdue to for our country to advocate for the Love of God to be back in our schools, at least as an experiment so that we can observe the difference it makes in our youth. I believe in the miraculous works of God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I’ve seen what hell looks like, I grew up there, I think it is time for a change in our country.
I completely agree with the fact that we focus on Trump more for entertainment rather than ‘his job’ which is being President of the United States of America. But I do have tp agree with the fact that he knows that in order to inform those who aren’t too into politics to go on social media but that way he discusses and informs isn’t right.
When these judges are being chosen by Trump if he loses the elections the year coming up, will the new president be able to get rid of these judges while in his term?
I disagree with following Trump’s tweet or making a memes about him on any social media is wasting times.Because it makes people knowing and judging the President that leads our country now. And people who do not care about the issue of today’s politics, become care. See the facts not only on one side, but both side.
Trump is an public attention seeker. It could be his weakness or his power, it could strike him down, or empowered him. Because I used to pro with him, but since seeing his non-sense tweets and memes about him, I become more questioning about his mental and personal eligibility as president. Imagine how many people out there that experience the same thing as me.
This makes me realize how smart this man is in marketing, experience from a business man. Being able to do the things he does, creating tension to the nation.
I believe that many Americans are turning a blind eye to the type of judges Trump is appointing to our courts because they are too invested in his political correctness.
The main point of this article is that Trump along with the republicans is rapidly changing this country into a conservative country, while progressive are distracted by Trumps tweets. Chamba pointed out something interesting in regards of the unity in the parties. The republicans don’t care about Trumps foolish act because they are pushing forward in their policies. As for the democratic party, it seems to be divided.
In the Shaping of the United States Supreme Court, President Donald Trump has a list of nominees he can choose, from the Federalist Society. However the real puppeteer in shaping the Supreme Court, is Mitch McConnel. Mitch wants to be the architect in building the new Supreme Court. I can agree with the author of this article, Chamba Sanchez, that it is alarming to see these factions (gay and transgender rights, immigration, abortion, guns, and religion, freedom of speech) are in jeopardy, (ok..Big Brother).
“Big Brother” comes from the novel, Nineteen-Eighty Four, written by George Orwell(8, June 1949), takes place in Oceania, where “The Party” controls the city and everything that goes on inside the walls by law; formally forbids individual thought, to even having any form of emotional expression. Anyone who is not part of the The Party is below them and those who engage in any form of rebellion gets tortured or executed. Television screens on timers that display the same pictures and videos, 24hr surveillance cameras in the streets and in the residents studio sized rooms. Our government today foreshadows many of the totalitarian government Oceania’s impoverished civilians suffer by.
Furthermore, if our Nation were to be presented with a candidate who has integrity, supports equality for all, displays promise not false hopes and ingenuity, I would say there is hope for the United States, however our government system is becoming a right side race to power. It is truly unfortunate that there hasn’t been any one from the Democratic Party to stand up and voice this issue regarding the wave of the Supreme Courts new young and inexperienced right sided members.
I think that Democrats have been focused on trying to impeach Trump that they disregarded the big picture. With these courts filled with conservative judges our civil rights are now in jeopardy.
Some people say Trump has modernized politics. From being honest on his social media platform. In a way he is correct his unfiltered personality has made people turn to see what is going on but it’s not enough to make people fully dive into politics. 50% of this country voted for him, although I disagree we should be highlighting his comments and the memes what the community do is to assure we do not have his as a president for the November 2020 elections.