LA County County's 2nd District Needs Imaginative and Transformative Leadership
The 2nd District in Los Angeles County is the poorest in the entire county, approximately one in four of the residents live under the poverty line. This district stretches from Culver City to Carson, and “it is the home to half of the county’s black population.” It has always been viewed as “the crowning glory of black political power in Southern California,” said political consultant Dermot Givens. The supervisor in this district is usually considered the most powerful black man/woman in the state. The three leading candidates vying to replace Mark-Ridley Thomas are all African Americans.
The following facts are intriguing and troubling about the County of Los Angeles: The overall value of the more than 2 million properties located in Los Angeles County is about $1.1 trillion. The taxes collected on these properties is the largest source of revenue for this county. This is the revenue used for funding essential services and agencies. There are luxurious homes, modest bungalows, and 60,000 people living in tents on sidewalks in this county. The record number of people living on sidewalks has reached a colossal urban crisis — the grand canyon gap between the rich and the poor within a few miles in this county is very telling. Yes, there is not only obscene wealth, stunning low wage disparity, and grinding poverty, but there is also a tremendous lack of imagination and action from civic leaders. The daunting challenges facing people living in this district are in direct proportion to the lack of energetic, visionary community-focused leadership.
Furthermore, it is about time for all stakeholders in this county to seriously consider to reconfigure the current structure of this county government. Yes, let’s expand the board of supervisors to ten and have an elected mayor who can adequately perform executive functions. One does not have to be Alexander Hamilton or a democratic theorist to see Los Angeles County’s government with a population larger than some states needing significant structural changes. The five supervisors who are in charge of the legislative function are the same ones who execute hence there are no checks and balances. The present structure of this county government is inadequate considering its size. Therefore, the oversight of public spending and services is deeply flawed. Voters in Los Angeles County need to demand an elected mayor with real powers. Supervisors need to laser-focused on the creation of policy and oversight.
Herb Wesson is a former speaker of the State Assembly who joined the city council in 2005 and led the council as president since 2011. He is termed out and now is looking for the next job. When it comes to endorsements and money raised, he is the candidate to beat. He has not only raised the most money but also according to his website, he has gotten major endorsements from many influential political leaders and labor unions. From Mayor Garcetti to Supervisor Jahn Hann to the Los Angeles County Democratic Party to major organized labor unions here in Los Angeles, they all have endorsed his candidacy. He is the leading candidate when it comes to fundraising, he has raised a little over a million dollars. CityWatch recently reported that the former Council President had collected money from oil and gas companies in the first six months of 2019. These companies “actually operate oil drilling sites” in the 2nd District. Among these oil companies is Thermo Company, one of the companies responsible for the Porter Ranch leak. This should be a source of concern for residents in this district who will be voting in March.
Furthermore, the Los Angeles Times reported that Herb Wesson had his struggles with paying his bills on time. In this article, it was reported that the former city council president almost got his properties into a foreclosure auction. How can this man confront the challenges facing the 2nd district? This is a difficult job that requires a candidate who can bring reason, comprehension and yes good judgment.
The second leading candidate is Jan Perry, a former city councilwoman for District 9. She is a Black Jewish woman well-known in the political firmament of Los Angeles. The urban renaissance in the early 2000s in Los Angeles took place during her 12-year-tenure as a councilwoman. After she left the city council, she ran for mayor, and she did not do well. Mayor Garcetti appointed her to run the Economic and Workforce Development. An interesting point here is that Mayor Garcetti has endorsed her opponent Herb Wesson. She has raised a little over half a million dollars. Moreover, according to her website, Jan Perry is currently running the Infrastructure Funding Alliance, a national initiative to meet future infrastructure, economic development, and environmental challenges. The most well-known people who have endorsed her are Gloria Molina, Los Angeles County Assessor, Jeffrey Prang, and former LA City Councilmember (Ret.) LAPD Chief (Ret.), Bernard Parks.
The third leading candidate in this race is Holly Mitchell. She has been serving in the legislature for almost a decade. She served first in the state assembly and then moved up to the upper house, the state senate. Many legislators and members of the executive branch have given her their endorsements, from current Governor Newson to former Governor Brown to a plethora of assembly and senate members as well as constitutional officers. According to her website, she has also picked up some endorsements from some SEIU and AFSCME locals and well-known community people such as Dolores Huerta and Rev. James Lawson Jr. This candidate has also raised a little over half of a million dollars.
There are no ideological differences amongst these three candidates analyzed above. It is all about personalities. Any candidate who wins this race will be a nod to continuity at a time of crisis when continuity should not be warranted. If no candidate in this race receives a majority vote in the primary, which will be held on March 3, the top two vote-getters will face off in a runoff in November.
Civic, business, and community leaders in this county must make an effort to come up with a well-thought-out frame for developing leadership. Bold and transformative leadership is desperately needed; we need to refill the reservoir of ideas that has dried up. Los Angeles County’s government is too bloated and unresponsive. Paralysis rules. Mediocrity has become the order of the day in many departments in this County of Los Angeles. We absolutely need more voices, no echos. It is inconceivable to believe that people in this district cannot find high caliber candidates with adequate credentials, independence, and clear thinking with the ability to make life better in this district and the county than these three leading politicians.
The challenges are countless and daunting. Indeed, It is difficult to see these three leading candidates providing radical ideas that will end homelessness, improve economic mobility, and increase civic participation. These candidates are just looking for another gig.
Thank you for reading.
Photo Credit: Pictures of candidates covered on this piece were screened shot from candidates’ websites.
Sources consulted:
Fisher, Mary. “Can Jan Perry Defeat Herb Wesson, Big Oil’s Candidate for LA Supervisor?” CityWatch 20 Jan. 2020.
Jennings, Angel. “Gentrification is the new litmus test in the county supervisor race in South L.A.” Los Angeles Times 30 Sept. 2019.
Markle, Lawren. “Demographic Snapshots for LA County’s Five Districts.” Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation 24 April 2017.
Stiles, Matt. “These candidates want to represent 2 million Angelenos. Who’s funding their campaigns?” Los Angeles Times 29 Sept. 2019.
—. “State senator enters race for a seat on L.A. County Board of Supervisors.” Los Angeles Times 14 Feb. 2019.
Zahnisner, David. “He’s one of L.A. City Hall’s most powerful politicians. He’s also having problems paying his bills on time.” Los Angeles Times 17 Aug. 2016.
This article is very informative and persuasive that Los Angeles is on the verge of a crisis. Author Chamba Sanchez is focused on reducing the level of poverty in our great city and believes that it is time for minorities to take office and advocate for change. Sanchez also goes on to propose a motion that the board of supervisors should be expanded to adequately serve the population of California. Personally, I agree with Sanchez. I believe that the board of supervisor should be expanded because the views of millions of Californians cannot be protected by just a few individuals. Secondly, the author also tells us that council-member Herb Wesson has been receiving money from oil and gas corporations. Whenever I hear things like this, I fear for my fellow neighbors and the quality of life for Californians. Every morning when I get up and check the weather. The apple app also shows me the air quality index. The quality of air that we breather numerous times throughout or day is diminishing, and Herb Wesson is receiving checks from these people. Los Angeles is heading in the wrong direction and the masses need to step up and accept this challenge.
With how large LA county is and with how many issues it faces, a restructure sounds like it would be an overdue great idea. How would something as large as this be executed? What would that process look like?
I strongly agree with the article whereas change must be brought upon by a well educated and ambitious candidate who is willing to help our peers in the county who are struggling financially and who are living out on the streets.
In the corrupted/political world there is no space for those who really want change. Hamilton argues that the government has to check and balance each branch, but what happens when all of these corrupted people stay in power all there doing is just changing seats. This happens to be one great Nation, but those in power are not looking for the common good of the nation rather how can they stuck up money in their pockets. It is so sad to hear that in this great nation there are so much homelessness and its due to those all the corruption.
I agree with this article because homelessness is a huge part of Los Angeles. If we go to the streets of downtown L.a we are not even able to walk on the sides walks because it’s full of homeless people. We need candidates that will make a change to this city. Not to jus set down and look pretty.
This article gave me a lot of awareness and information I lacked.
True! This article very informative.
I agree with this article that the next county supervisor for the 2nd District in Los Angeles must be prepared for structural change. The district supervisors have many responsibilities they must fulfill, hence, it is crucial for them to be qualified.
I somewhat agree with this article because homelessness is a huge part of Los Angeles county but not only in district 2 also in district 9. In my opinion, I think district 2 is not the poorest in the county. If we take a look at district 9 we see homeless people in almost every block we walkthrough. If we go to downtown L.A we can’t even walk through the sidewalks because it’s full of homeless people. We need candidates that make a change and not set in a chair and look cute.
I underestimate the power of people all the time, and to see how unincorporated areas are much more powerful than they appear is frustrating, being a person that grew up in different parts of Los Angeles County, one always see poverty. But, to know that politicians choose their own self interest over the benefit of the good of the people shows Wesson’s lack of morality. Not to blame the victim for losing their home, but I must end on a question, does a politician need to live frugal lifestyle? Socrates can be renounced as a great influencer, teacher, and philosopher, yet we forget that he never bathed.
It is stunning to see the disproportionate distribution of power. District 2 can be seen as a sleeping giant, once awoken nothing would be able to stop it. To see that people, even of their own color using that as a platform to get into politics is shameful. To know that Herb Wesson chooses a frugal life over the wellbeing of the community he so kindly implies to respect and serve, makes me question his motives. He uses his platform and his color to be “in” by making no change and creating a façade of change,
At the end, it comes down to the citizens within the county, they must show resistance and stand up for a change. However, it must be organized and structured in order for a true change to occur vs a quick cover up.
So in conclusion to all this we need new Community Leaders who will make change instead of preaching it.
I agree with Mr. Chamba about this article. There are too many people in this particular area. And the gap of the diversities appears so clearly. We need a firm and forceful leader but also cares about their community. It is rare to find a leader that work with their heart these days. Most of them are just consent with their gig, (like the Mr.Chamba said),when this district need the leader who care about the communities and can make a fair decision.
This is an informative article.
I agree, I do believe we need candidates who can come up with new ideas, and fresh mind. The poverty level in district 2 is so hard to believe sometimes, to think that a situation like that exist in Los Angeles, one of the world’s biggest most popular city. I’ve had relatives come from other country and pass by this district seeing this wealthy and less fortunate people. Both social group at times can be the most highest millionaires to homeless in the same block or matter of blacks apart.
I agree with Sanchez that we need a new batch of leaders in our county who are not just seeking a new position to add a notch on their belts.
I agree, I think it is time for a change in the governmental structure. The “golden-heart” guy never wins against corrupt opponents and it is disheartening. Our nation was built on the Golden Rule: Do for other’s as you would want them to do for you, however, unfortunately man(corrupt candidates, lawyers, people of power) got lost on that road and became selfish and has rearranged the government for personal gain and not for the best interest of the Nation. Discrimination and neglect towards people of color is a reoccurring issue all of the Globe that won’t be solved until there is a drastic change in power that gives the stage to advocates who genuinely want better for all and willingly stand up for the people with a little extra melanin in our genes.
The article focused on the evident crisis that the county of Los Angeles will face if political changes aren’t made. Chamba mentioned that district 2 is the poorest district in the nation and the majority of the population is made up of African Americans. The also mentioned that people running for office, which happen to be black. Chamba also mentioned that minorities should run for office. I agree with this because it makes sense that more member of the same ethnic group of a community should run for office be they can identify with the struggles of the community and help with those struggles. By doing this it’ll be a good start for a governmental restructure.
Chamba Chavez disclosed the lack of preparation for the three running candidates in a simple and understanding level for any reader to understand. He showcases the running candidates are just looking for another job and not truly caring for the people. In addition, Chamba showcases change within the community will never come about if residents do not take this problem into their own hands.
The lack of integrity and corruption has ruined the political system of this country, I agree on needing people with leadership and commitment to the people and communities and people who does not put their personal ambitions first.
I Agree with this Article that we do need new leaders I think the 3 leaders don’t even care about the people and what they think, there so many homeless in district 2 area I’ve been working around that area its one of the poorest ive seen. we need leaders that actually care about the community and want to put in work so they can get recognized.