The complex fight for immigration reform
Once it was known that the President had ended DACA, there were marches and rallies throughout the nation. Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions called for a press conference and spewed venom and screamed at top of his lungs outright lies about immigrants. Yes, the usual venom used by nativists, i.e., “illegal aliens,” and “these immigrants take jobs from Americans.” It truly was a mean-spirited press conference. He also mentioned legislation in Congress being supportive by anti-immigrant forces, the “RAISE Act,” a bill in the Senate that will cut legal immigration in half.
Most rallies and marches solely centered on DACA and the dreamers. I have always said that there was going to be a revolution in this country had this president attempted to kick out these productive immigrants who have contributed greatly to this nation. Indeed, it was clear that the majority of Americans support these immigrants. And any attempt to deport them was going to be met with intense political pushback.
Although “Illegal immigration” was a signature issue for President Trump while campaigning for the White House. It has been reported that the President has cut a deal with congressional Democratic leaders in legalizing these young people. This is significant if we take into account how paralyzed Washington has been and for how long the immigration issue has been debated. We should all do whatever we can to make sure the Dreamers get legalized. Although we should also endeavor not to lose sight of the prize.
Democratic Congressional leaders vehemently denied that money to fund the wall was part of the deal. The following morning, after democratic congressional leaders dined in the White House, the President tweeted that the path to citizenship for the dreamers was not part of the deal that yes “if there is no wall, we are doing nothing. People are confused and all of us who care about undocumented immigrants in this country are just waiting to see the final compromise once it is written on paper. Although I have to say it doesn’t look good. For all the goodwill President Trump has displayed this week, one could easily argue that the only consistent thing about him is being inconsistent. Some of his most ardent supporters are scratching their heads. Since Trump, while campaigning for the White House, gave that infamous speech in Arizona where he promised and vowed to reverse DACA and deport the Dreamers
Trump’s decision to reach out to the Democrats has been dubbed as a “Nixon-China movement.” Details have not yet been revealed and it is being speculated that Trump is playing both Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Pundits are still trying to figure out Trump’s strategy.
Democratic congressional leaders may have a more difficult time trying to persuade their democratic base. Progressives don’t want them to get too cozy with this President. There are also immigrants’ advocates out there who might be tempted to reject legalization for the dreamers and push for legalization for all the eleven million undocumented folks. House Minority Leader Pelosi heard from them recently in her district in San Francisco. These activists are well-intentioned but they are totally disconnected from the facts on the political landscape. Voltaire once told us, “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of some progress.” Yes, let’s legalize the Dreamers and take on the fight on the other ten million undocumented immigrants in our communities.
Some progressives dislike seeing Pelosi and Schumer “normalizing” this president whom they see as unfit to serve as President. I have always said that these democratic leaders must make an effort to work with this president as much as they can without betraying some democratic core values. However, if this is not feasible then they should go for an all-out-war with this man. There will also be a predicament here, how do these democratic leaders work with this president and turn around and excite the Democratic base for next year’s congressional elections and two years presidential elections? This will require imagination, a robust strategy and a plan of action. Three things that usually escape these democratic leaders.
In the name of compromising, many Republicans are having a field day and see the opportunity to legalize the dreamers while injecting all kinds of anti-immigrant provisions to the bill. Indeed, a border wall and more policies that mirror the RAISE Act, as well as mandatory participation in E-Verify, the electronic employment eligibility verification system they are all being considered part of legislation that will legalize the dreamers. Neither immigrant community leaders nor the Democratic leadership has the leverage to negotiate immigration policies that would advance the collective interest of our communities. Most experts or pundits believed that the DACA’s recipients were going to be in no danger since the majority of Republicans thought that these young immigrants were embedded in their own communities and they needed to be given a chance. Even disgraced and anti-immigrant, Joe Arpaio thought it would be immoral to deport these young immigrants.
Finally, California has 55 members in Congress and is the home of Democratic Minority Leader Pelosi and the second-highest-ranking Republican in the House, Rep. McCarthy. Yes, California has the largest delegation with 53 members in the House and 2 US Senators. California delegation should lead this effort pushing for a version of the Dream Act that includes a path to citizenship. California Rep. Kevin McCarthy should use the power of his position to push Speaker Ryan for generous legislation for the Dreamers. Rep. McCarthy also represents a district in the Central Valley that is the home of many immigrants who need legalization. These Republican representatives here in California can no longer take an extreme position on immigration. That would be politically suicidal. Democrats need 24 seats to win the House back next year. They currently strategizing their focus on 14 Republicans located here in California. The demographics have radically changed in these fourteen districts being represented by Republicans. They now have large minority voters.
Thank you for reading.
Sources consulted.
Bierman, Noah. “A risky embrace.” Los Angeles Times 15 Sept. 2017. Web. 17 Sept. 2017
Finegan, Michael and Mark Z. Barabak. “Trump’s backers learning to be flexible.” Los Angeles Times 16 Sept. 2017. Web. 17 Sept. 2017.
“Here’s a solution to the DACA crisis: Pass a Dream Act. And soon.” Editorial. Los Angeles Times 7 Sept. 2017. Web.2018.
Mascaro, Lisa, Briuan Bennett and David Lauter. “Hope for resolutions to ‘Dreamers’ dispute.” Los Angeles Times 15 Sept. 2017. Web. 17 Sept. 2017.
Politics. “President Trump, top Democrats reach agreement on young immigrants.” ABC 7.com Sep 13 2017. Web. 16 Sept. 2017
Photos Credit:
Pelosi, Schumer and President Trump – (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
The picture with the man holding up the “SAVE DACA” sign I took it in one of the rallies that I attended
Nation wide, the focus on immigration policy reform has been a two-sided battle. The bickering between Democrats and Republican’s stand on illegal entrance, has been the feud since the birth of the government. But the playing field has changed and the reality of deporting millions (not just Hispanic immigrants)is iniquitously unfavorable for both parties. The R.A.I.S.E act seemed like a solution but some economist believe that it is a mistake as it is inconsiderate of the labor force growth provided by illegal immigrants. This which has created an economical growth and that deportation would not alleviate the raise of U.S. wages. There is a much needed focus on immigration here in California, that should be on the minds of all its residents. Whether we believe in the purpose D.A.C.A or not, it is vital that our state comes together to create a reasonable solution to immigration policies or at least, come up with a strategy that suits both sides of the agenda. It was definitely a surprise that President Trump decided to work with the democratic leaders on a political quick-fix decision as to not cause an upset across the nation. It is nice but I see it as a ploy to keep the burner low here at home, as he is focused on engaging North Korea in war. On a positive hope, Dreamers who are working hard to achieve a higher education, to live a better life, should be provided some kind of pathway to citizenship or as we like to call it, the “American Dream”. I think the author is trying prepare us and keep us on our toes for whatever inconsistency in the D.A.C.A. approval that might be thrown at us. He has given us a footing on the republican agenda, unveiled the what the priority and concern of democratic leaders should be.
The main point of this piece is to focus on the fact that everyone in the country is coming together to try to fight this DACA repeal or to make sure they don’t get deported. I think this piece was written to show that the country has not given up on these dreamers or these undocumented people and that we continue to fight for them and want to ensure that they stay here because they should have the right to do so. This article was well written and I liked that the part “Even disgraced and anti-immigrant, Joe Arpaio thought it would be immoral to deport these young immigrants” and that just further proves the argument because even people against immigrants realize the horror this repeal is causing and how it would be wrong for the country and everyone it will effect. I think this article could’ve used a bit more of an insight on what can we do as citizens to help these immigrants stay right after,”We should all do whatever we can to make sure the dreamers get legalized.” How are we supposed to keep them from getting deported if we do not know what we can do keep them from being deported?
The point of this article is to show both sides are highly involved with the situation regarding DACA and are trying to figure out the best solution for the Dreamers. This article was written to show that whether higher officials support or are against DACA, they are trying really hard to figure out the best solution from them to stay. I am not too familiar with DACA, I know that the people affiliated with this program are immigrants who heavily rely on the program to allow them to attend school have a job, etc. I heard on a talk radio show that President Trump was going to give Congress I believe six months to legalize DACA due to the fact that Obama went over Congress and offered the program when they had not approved it. Currently there is also talk of President Trump offering Dreamers green cards, which seems like a more logical solution. Like I stated above, I am not familiar with DACA. However, I have a question how long can a person stay in this program? There must be some time frame, otherwise the country is going to have many Dreamers who reside in the United States whom are not considered legal citizens and who cannot vote. Another thing, if this program is meant to “aid” immigrants who come to the United States, why in the world are they being charged $495 to request consideration to be accepted to DACA. It is safe to say most immigrants come here to benefit from the “great pro-immigrant” programs that are offered and attain the “American Dream,” yet those who are providing these wonderful programs are charging quite a lot of money to people who probably cannot afford it.
The main point of this article is focusing on the fuse that is happening with DACA being repealed and how people in this country have come together to fight back to protect each other. That even when it’s not certain if they will be legalizing the Dreamers to remain united and fight for what we believe for because just like many of us U.S. citizens these dreamers belong here. I believe this was written for people to be well aware of the situation and get an insight on how it can not only affect these Dreamers but the government too. Also, that not only Democrats but also people when negotiating shouldn’t forget what they believe in and shouldn’t change their believes for something that may benefit them for a while. The author could had explained how would democrats struggle to persuade the democrat base in what ways and could had added what can be done to help out the dreamers not get deported and get what they deserve which is to become citizens.
When reading this short article it reminded me of a story called ” Two Ways to Belong in America” by Bharati Mukherjee, describing two Indian sisters who moved to United States for advancement in their studies. The purpose of this article to me is to realize that DACA needs all the help it needs to fight together. I believe that many parents has sacrificed their lives and their children’s lives so that they can get a better education and to be successful in life. Many children who have come to the United States has no problem adapting to the American culture because when they are small they are learning how to speak english which means that they are adapting to the American culture. There are many Dreamers that have accomplished so many things in America like becoming a policeman, a teacher, a firefighter etc just like many Americans so what makes them different? Many Dreamers have stopped living in their customs which is absolutely amazing because they are becoming one strong voice and fighting for their rights. Many Dreamers feel that they do not have a voice but they do have a chance to make a difference and feel a part of their new culture. We as American citizens It is important to make a change as a person and grow because immigrants are not being heard so why not be their voices, so when the opportunity is given, hold on tightly and take advantage. We are all human beings, but each one of us are all different inside and out. The author is informing us giving us a heads up on the DACA because anything can happen in a blink of an eye. I believe that this article could’ve given us some points and information about how we as American citizens can help the dreamers stay.
Throughout, the article many valid points were addressed. Such as the complete removal of DACA or deporting young immigrants would cause controversy, as a result of the whole nation even people that did not support such legislation such as Joe Arpaio, actually address that it would be immoral. The main point this article is trying to prove is that the time has come for congressional leaders to make a move on immigration reform.Although it might come slow, the people such as the dreamers, are waiting for something solid, a path to legalization. The article then transitions that California has the highest delegation representing in Congress, California has a high number of illegal immigrants, California should lead the way in pressuring reformation. It would have been nice to have read some information, on the contribution of California representatives on negotiating on an immigration bill.
DACA has always been seen as a controversial action by many republicans and their supporters, however, many democrats have failed to see that there is and SHOULD be much more to this immigration fight than just trying to get something done by the “my way or the highway” solution. The democratic party is usually seen as, the political party “for the people”, this means for both Americans, whether they are black, hispanic, asian, white, etc, and the minorities which are also made up of these ethnicities. This piece shows that there is a bigger picture that both parties are ultimately failing to see. Instead of bickering between each other and trying to come up with a solution that will really only benefit their party, they should be focusing on tackling this issue together and have a true bipartisan solution that has always been tossed around while they address the nation, yet is still something that is missing in our government. The main issue now a days is the DACA program and whether it’s a good or bad thing to have. Many people would say it is bad simply because it allows illegal immigrant children to stay here with no “punishment” yet, like i have been stating, they fail to see that these kids actually grow up to become something more and even before that they contribute so much to our communities and our nation as a whole. People see one side but don’t bother to gather all the evidence and facts from their counterparts and ultimately make ill advised decisions and judgements on these kids. This can be applied to people from both parties, granted not everyone is the same of course, but many people that are in positions that matter and can make a difference in this fight do not bother to hear out everyone and come up with a plan that will benefit everyone, not just one group or that will only tackle one issue that comes from this big and complex topic.
what i got from this piece is that communities are coming together to fight for the DREAMERS who where taken away there permits that allowed them to work and reside in the united states and not be deported. I believe this article shows that communities and the country is still fighting for these kids. It shows that together we can all make a change and help these kids who where brought here by there parent as young kids against there will just to hope they would have a better future here. The Article shows that even thought the DACA was taken away the Dreamers are still fighting and not being discouraged. The support of all the people you stated shows that trying to deport these young men a females is just morally wrong. Maybe trump will give residence to these young kids or maybe not but he shouldn’t of taken the daca away from them just to give them residency he should of just replaced it with the residency and end daca once the young men and women had there residency. taking away the daca discouraged so many of these young dreamers. the DACA gave them hope and now all that was just taken away. WE should do all we can to help these dreamers not be deported we need to be heard and hope to god these young dreamers get legalized.
This article focused on the political movement the revolves around the DACA termination and reformation. Media sources have led us to believe that this movement is a reslut from the efforts democratic leaders and immigration advocates but as stated republicans are also playing a part in the revival DACA program, to clarify when I talk about revival I am referring to the legalization of Dreamers and the possibilty of legalizing the other 10 million undocumented. The article makes sure to focus on the fact that president Trump has recently been sighted cutting a deal with democratic leaders to try and make ends meet but of course there is always a catch. This beautifully captures to double crossing nature of what a republican is, the aritcle states that if a deal is to be made policies and regulations will come along with it, these policies and regulations go against the ideals and standards for which democrats stand for but due to the dire situation democrats are left with no choice but to make a deal of some sort but at the cost a sacrificing so much. As stated there is a solution to this, the democratic party must win the house majority by some form of miracle in which in my opinion seems like an impossible feet simply because washignton as the current moment is run by the republican party. Is DACA worth saving? Not only is it worth saving but i believe its mandatory to try and save it. the lives and future of over 800,00 immigrants are at stake, not only have they contributed to the country but also represent the ideals and are a prime example of what our forefathers imagined. Despite our harsh views and what we believe trump stands for it is in our best interest to make a deal with him and his representatives.
This article focused on the political movement that revolves around the DACA termination and reformation. Media sources have led us to believe that this movement is a result from the efforts democratic leaders and immigration advocates but as stated republicans are also playing a part in the revival DACA program, to clarify when I talk about revival I am referring to the legalization of Dreamers and the possibility of legalizing the other 10 million undocumented. The article makes sure to focus on the fact that president Trump has recently been sighted cutting a deal with democratic leaders to try and make ends meet but of course there is always a catch. This beautifully captures to double crossing nature of what a republican is, the article states that if a deal is to be made policies and regulations will come along with it, these policies and regulations go against the ideals and standards for which democrats stand for but due to the dire situation democrats are left with no choice but to make a deal of some sort but at the cost a sacrificing so much. As stated there is a solution to this, the democratic party must win the house majority by some form of miracle in which in my opinion seems like an impossible feet simply because Washington as the current moment is run by the republican party. Is DACA worth saving? Not only is it worth saving but I believe its mandatory to try and save it. The lives and future of over 800,00 immigrants are at stake, not only have they contributed to the country but also represent the ideals and are a prime example of what our forefathers imagined. Despite our harsh views and what we believe trump stands for it is in our best interest to make a deal with him and his representatives.
We mostly focused on the DACA and immigrants but we do not focus on what congress is doing on the process of all this. This article explains and gives details on how there are many issues going on that we do not know about and most of the issues and about how DACA dreamers are affected by all the decisions made by congress. Clearly they are just negotiating the future of this students in a way that it would not really benefit them but the people in power. This article gives a great explain on what people who say are fighting for the dreamers do not focus on. If people want to see a change for the good, they need to start thinking what the dreamers want not what they think the dreamers want, they need to stop saying they are giving dreamers a voice and actually give them a voice. We all need to give a part and help dreamers because it is not their fault that they do not get chances in reality is our fault. These kids had no choice if they wanted to come to this country or not. Why do keep saying that we want to help them if we really do not do anything about it? Let us change those old habits and actually do something for the better of everyone.
Mostly, we focused on the DACA and immigrants but we do not focus on what congress is doing on the process of all this. This article explains and gives details on how there are many issues going on that we do not know about and most of the issues and about how DACA dreamers are affected by all the decisions made by congress. Clearly they are just negotiating the future of this students in a way that it would not really benefit them but the people in power. This article gives a great explain on what people who say are fighting for the dreamers do not focus on. If people want to see a change for the good, they need to start thinking what the dreamers want not what they think the dreamers want, they need to stop saying they are giving dreamers a voice and actually give them a voice. We all need to give a part and help dreamers because it is not their fault that they do not get chances in reality is our fault. These kids had no choice if they wanted to come to this country or not. Why do keep saying that we want to help them if we really do not do anything about it? Let us change those old habits and actually do something for the better of everyone.
I believe the main point of this article is expressing how supported the DACA members are. The past few months the DACA program has been on the forefront of immigration reform. The article was written to show the significant tug of war from both parties on the DACA program. There has been zero growth between the two parties in working together to choose a solution for what they want to do with The Dreamers, and Trump can’t make up his mind.
The Dreamers have benefited America in many ways by being able to work as service men, and woman in their communities. Providing for their children who have only experienced life in America and adapted to the lifestyle. As stated in the article “It would be immoral to deport these young immigrants” said by Joe Arpaio who is anti-immigrant. It’s 100% inconsiderate to even fathom deporting The Dreamers. Reading more information on what ways California congress have the ability to change the outcome of what the trump administration is trying to do. I’m aware having Nancy Pelosi is a significant figured but what has she done?
The main point of this article was stating the effects of the removal of the DACA program. President Trump removing the program from legal immigrants is puzzling many people. Not only is this action is confusing regular citizens, it is also confusing political parties. President Trump is also confusing his fellow supporters. Seeing the negative effects of the removement of the DACA program, the Republican party are willing to come up with a solution to save the citizenship of these legal DACA members. This article is trying to voice that these immigrants are not a burden to our country, and they have every reason to be here. Stated in this article also shows how an anti-immigrant follower, Joe Arpaio, states how it is immoral to deport these people. It is now becoming more of an issue to deport these immigrants rather than trying to solve an immigration problem in the USA. I believe this article could’ve gave us more examples on the Republican party supports keeping immigrants here in the USA, and examples on how both parties are trying to come up with a solution. Also to explain more on why Trump’s supporters are starting to question his actions.
You make a valid point but it’s not like Trump is just going to open up the gates and let this flood of immigrants back into their country, everything has a process. We bash on our president about all his deportation but according to an article on Newsweek by MIRREN GIDDA on 4/18/17 deportation by President Trump is down 1.2% compared to former President Obama which we tend to turn a blind eye to. Giving these “dreamers” the right to stay in this country legally is a great but what about the immigrants under TPS that are not allowed as well to get permanent residence yet can’t return to their country for unsafe reason and still have the ability to work and pay taxes. If we are going to make a stand on immigration let’s make a stand for all immigrants not just the ones in the Hispanic community, let us not be prejudicenough, lets make a stand for those who are in danger not only of being deported but deported to a country where they risk their lives. TPS immigrants have to renew their application every specific time 9f the year and if you don’t meet the time frame you risk being deported the following are the fees for the Initial Temporary Protected Status:
Application assistance fee: $160
Application fee: $50
Biometrics fee: $85
Employment authorization fee: $410 (must submit Form I-765 with application)
Total: $705
Re-registration for Temporary Protected Status:
Application assistance fee: $160
Biometrics fee: $85
Employment authorization fee: $410 (must submit Form I-765 with application)
Total: $655
And this is done on a 12 to 18 month basis. DACA is not the program we need to fight for, we need to fight for equality across the board for all immigrants.
Eliana – We all want some sort of legalization for undocumented immigrants. We should take what this president is willing to give and then go back and fight for more. Politics have consequences, we didn’t vote for this president and when we had a president who was a friend of our community our so-called “leaders” didn’t press the issue hard enough
I really hope the President does cut a deal in which will allow dreamers to become citizens… I have always told people I believed D. Trump was definitely against illegal immigrants BUT he is all for his country doing everything the right way. One being making people come into our country legally. I like to assume he doesn’t completely dislike the undocumented.. his wife is one of them! LOL.
The end of the DACA program has cause nothing but uproar and pain from all over the world. Parents wanted their children to have a better future, but President Trump and his administration felt the need to destroy something that meant so much to them. With those actions, people are in fear of being deported back to a place they no longer recognize. I just don’t understand how anyone can be so selfish. That’s why its important because everyone deserve to have equal rights.
The article shows that immigrants aren’t threat to the USA and they shouldn’t be treated as such. That people is fighting for them and are coming up with solutions to help them. Joe Arpaio, who is anti-immigrant, stated in the article “It would be immoral to deport these young immigrants.” The young dreamers didn’t asked to be in this situation. Therefore, they shouldn’t suffer or their parents.
I wish the article would suggest more of how Republicans are supporting to keep immigrants here and providing more details of both parties coming up with solutions that benefits everyone.
When reading this article, I can’t help but feel much more informed. There is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Immigration, immigration, immigration is what has always been such a controversial issue. With President Obama, our undocumented community had a better hope for a future where their immigration status here in the United Sates, would finally be a legal one. DACA was ultimately a break that every undocumented child needed. As a child of an immigrant, I had first hand in seeing the struggles of fellow students in my graduating class, who because of their immigration status, their education didn’t go anywhere past high school. I did not see any of them as less American as myself. We both spoke perfect English and stood proudly during the national anthem every morning, with our hands over our hearts. Yet, they didn’t have the opportunity to go any further.
With DACA, they had a fighting chance again. Unfortunately, our new president used America’s fear as crutch to viciously campaign with the immigration issue and win the Presidential election. The damage is he has done is just unprecedented. We still have a chance to make things right. We do need to push and defend DACA as much as we possibly can. Not just for DACA, also for the 11 million American’s who still deserve the right to have a legal presence here in America. They are a vital part to our community and contribute greatly the economy. DACA still needs to be valid and present. We do need to amend it though, to have even more success, it does need to have a path to a final and complete legal immigration status for the recipient.
The subject immigration has been a topic for quite some time. It has been threatened by the power of man and ever more so by the United States president of today. The recent threat against DACA and the dreamers has united a huge community in cruel, but it has affected and united a huge community. It’s cruel in the way that human lives are being gambled with and It’s easy to get side tracked and confronting a subject matter consisting of many different and connected parts. This movement and revolution that is bound to happen requires knowledge and unity and this article is a an outlet to do so. There are daily distractions on the news today but I feel like all that fluff is designed to distract us from important issues that can take on a trickle effect and affect everyones lives and the future or our next generation.
President Trumps goodwill with congressional Democratic leaders in legalizing young leaders is a different approach to the situation but maybe a little too late and making things more complex. He could have negotiated something prior and the six-month window could have been avoided all together. It sounds like GOP leaders need to get it together and come up with some kind consensus of the situation. Prolonging these actions will only lead to more confusion and the mindset of hope, lose its significance and no longer have the same meaning. It’s a shame that neither the immigrant community nor the Democratic leadership have a say or the backup to be able to negotiate immigration policies which at the end of the day, a decision in the interest of the communities themselves. If it’s a country of “United We Stand,” then a united community we shall be. An emphasize of the very things that escape the democratic leaders lack is a good starter. Let’s show them what it take have an imagination, what it takes to come up with a strategy and what it takes for a plan of acton. This is the revolution that needs to happen.
While reading this article it’s hard not to wonder, what is going to happen to all these people? What is there tomorrow going to look like? What is the US economy going to look like? As a conscious humanist, that we all should be, we need to see the whole picture. These are people not just numbers that president and the congress are referring to. DACA has sheltered these productive people from getting deported. They are doing their part by educating themselves and becoming professionals. They are helping the US economy. If these people get deported our economy is going to be affected. These people were children that lacked sense of agency, when they were brought to this country. Which means that when they arrived in the USA they did not do it by their own will they were youngsters. For whatever the reason might have been their parents believed that they were going to be better in the United States. This is the only home or country that they know. They were raised in this country since they were small, and are detached from their native roots-country. These are Americans that are willing to better their lives and be victorious in the US. So there is a definite need for an immigration reform. These people are threatened by the Raise Act in 2017 which limits immigration to the United States by half, which means that only half the number of green cards are going to be issued. The Raise Act received the support of President Donald Trump, who promoted a revised version of the bill in August 2017, but was opposed by Democrats, immigrant rights groups, and some Republicans. It’s amazing that even Joe Arpaio understood it would be immoral to deport the DACA recipients. This is definitely a uncomfortable situation for those that are in favor of DACA, now we are left in suspense for six months to see what Congress enacts as a legislative fix to protect more than 800,000 young immigrants from removal.
As always the issue that divides our country is immigration and reforms. The RAISE Act is just one of the many things this new administration is looking forward to put in action, and it also is an example of the intolerance running this country. Although congress and many supporters of the present administration argue that the proposed anti-immigration reforms will provide more benefits than disadvantages, the truth is that immigration plays a vital role on the economy we all rely on, and by not opening up a path to a more comprehensible legalization reform, government is just dooming economic prosperity to a hopeless, unsolvable situation. Based on the public support, and as an example the state of California’s population, most citizens are strongly supporting a comprehensible path towards a more effective and human solution to benefit every single individual. If politicians don’t do something on behalf of the people’s will, it will surely be the end of many careers. California has a great influence in congress and as an agent of change citizens must push towards an immigration reform, not only for our economy’s well being, but because it is the most human thing to do. Arguing that the proposed bills -such as the RAISE Act- will be helpful to America is defending a lie. It is clear that immigrants -and specially dreamers- are the ones boosting economy. It is also a well known fact that workforce is needed, and most of the times dreamers are the only ones willing to take on this duties. Immigrants are the ones greatly supporting our economy, as a strong example, taxes collected from undocumented people help to pay for many benefits that citizens take for granted. Despite the common belief based on stereotyped ideas, many of these people who came to the States looking for better opportunities do not have access to the benefits provided for citizens, yet immigrants’ contributions help support almost all government institutions. We, as citizens, must stand up on this fight for more comprehensible reforms. We must not let the government act against our beliefs. We must engage actively as a whole to push our representatives to support reforms that are helpful to our country. We must reject all those policies that just seek to affect those who keep fighting, day by day, to achieve the American Dream. We must be the voice of those who are ignored by our institutions.
This is a perfect storm for Republican leaders who want to appease their constituents’ hunger to get rid of immigrants. This demonization has been a topic of conversation for quite some time and has finally been embraced by a man with questionable values who became President. It would be tragic to use the Dreamers path to citizenship legislation to sneak in anti-immigration policies. This newspeak is a stark reminder of how the Germans began demonizing Jews, rounding them up and sending them into concentration camps, ultimately annihilating them. What President Trump is proposing may not rise to the crimes against humanity of Nazi Germany, however his hate speak is awakening racism from the Jim Crow south, which will set the stage for a cultural genocide.
We must learn from the lessons of the Civil Rights movement and stand in solidarity with our immigrant brothers to begin an economic revolution. We need to have work strikes and boycott American made goods. We will feel the pain, but the message will also be felt when food is rotting in warehouses, products are not being shipped and houses aren’t being kept. Without solidarity we will see the separation of many families, squads of ICE agents rounding up immigrants and placing them in the new concentration camps called detention centers.
As citizens we need to engage and raise our political voice. That means participating in voting for the right leader. Educating ourselves and taking the lead to rid ourselves of career politicians who have lost their imagination and sold out to money politics. We are the machine that produces and profits for the wealthy who in turn use those profits to fund lobbyists who fight for policies that will make companies more profitable while we toil at the bottom. Can we really depend on political leaders who have been in power for 30 plus years? It’s time for a new generation to lead, that’s what this article is telling me.
Immigration reform has been one of our nation’s most debated and highly neglected issues over the last thirty years. The blogger makes an argument of how much uncertainty there is for DACA recipients and the 10 million additional undocumented immigrants, whose needs have been widely ignored. The blogger provides his perspective of what may come should the president and democratic congressional leaders collaborate. There are so many unknowns, but what is known is the president’s and his administration has unapologetic history of bashing undocumented immigrants.
The article was written to redirect the reader’s focus on the future of all 11 million undocumented immigrants are in the hands of politicians. What is most compelling is how the future of so many lives, our economy, and the direction of our nation truly lies in the hand of so few selected people. There has not been any legislation since the 1980’s, and how much the country benefits from a class of undocumented workers. Overall, it did help me think about immigration reform for all of those suffering from our leader’s inability to act.
For many decades immigration has been an issue in the United States. However, if we think about it, historically this country has been found by immigrant people. Nevertheless, it seems that these days many Americans had forgotten about this important fact. According to the US citizenship and immigration service (USCIS) “On June 15, 2012, the Secretary of Homeland Security announced that certain people who came to the United States as children and meet several guidelines may request consideration of deferred action for a period of two years, subject to renewal.” However, president Donald Trump has ended this program that consequently has affected many dreamers. Personally, as a dreamer, I believe this situation needs to be fixed because not only will affect the dreamers; but, also the United States economy. CNBC news states that “Ending DACA could cost the economy up to $200 billion, CATO expert says”. In the article “The Complex fight for immigration reform” Gen. Jeff Sessions states “illegal aliens,” and “immigrants take jobs from Americans.” There are many jobs available in the cities as in the country; however, many people lack to search for jobs. DACA does not affect the country; it created more jobs as help to build a better economy in America. Nevertheless, immigration will always be an issue in the US. Therefore, an immigration reform will be needed to solve this problem.
Removing DACA will leave many students clueless, many of us will be left without any resources to continue our academic goals. The whole ideal of reinforcing the wall, has left many of us thinking what will happen next. Does this mean isolation from the rest of the world, or is it for safety purposes? In these past few months that President Trump has been in office, many changes are happening. Including the change from a Democratic to a Republican party. We can expect a huge transformation in our country. We should keep our views and fight for what we believe in. We need to be aware of what is happening around, one way or another it will affect us.
Intimidation is what Immigration is becoming. This nation wants it’s economy to rise and crime to decrease. We hear the Republicans say that immigrants are taking all the jobs or the opportunities that Northern American want.
The jobs are still out there waiting for US citizens to take advantage of them. Immigrants contribute to more opportunities. They build businesses, work long hours for lower pay rates because that’s how much they need a job. Immigrants can not request SS income, unemployment or any other government assistance program. They can’t afford to stop working.
Reading the NYTIMES published in January 26th, 2017, we can also see where immigrants have a lower percentage of crime. Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst at the libertarian Cato Institute, said “There’s no way I can mess with the numbers to get a different conclusion.” Indeed there’s no specific race but immigrants are less likely to commit crime. They’re constantly aware that any slight mistake can cause their families to disintegrate.
Why intimidation? All these threats of deporting every immigrant in the U.S is insane. Why the undecided response from the president. He as a business man knows that even if he stands and sees it in a racist point of view it’s ineluctable to see that immigrants help this country financially. There is a high percentage of immigrants that are tax payers.
Andrew Soergel, an economic reporter wrote on March 1st, 2016. “The study from the Institute on Taxation & Economic Policy found that immigrants in the U.S. without legal permission kick in their billions in the form of income, property, sales or excise taxes.There were roughly 11 million immigrants estimated to be in the U.S. illegally as of 2013, according to the report. And each and every state collects at least a few million dollars from tax payments made by such immigrants each year, ranging from Montana’s $2.2 million to California’s $3.2 billion.
The article its self is a think piece of the conflicts that we as a whole are trying to understand and balance with the President of the United States. It is a perspective understanding the complexities that we face from both parties. We need to understand that the situation is not only about liberal/ Democrats and Tea Party/ Republicans, it is about us as a country. There is no justification in the President trying to remove a program that is helping those who have pride in their country. Removing DACA is just prejudice, but prejudice to people of color who are “Undocumented”. It is an attack on those who have proved to be what the basis of America was built on.
It may seem like a decision worth mentioning because these funds are funds that come out of the governments pockets. However, this notion that removing DACA will save us money is false according to Ian Salisbury from Time Magazine he states that “[the] economy would cost the U.S. $215 billion in lost economic output over years…”This article just shows the amount of deficit this country could be in, in the mere future. If this is a possiblity it should be taken accounted for. We should not be treading lightly on the presidency because of how serious the position is. Yes, some might say that the true power is in the senate and the congress, but the president is the one overall who approves these issues. The other issue is that many of the candidates keep blaming the issue on immigrants taking jobs, but the country continueslly outsources to china. There are multiple issues plaguing the country why only focus on a group based on their citizenship status.
DACA the biggest topic among immigrants and their dreams, I don’t get why they want to take away this program when It helps thousands of people/ students to become better in life, however, what I have seen is that some DACA students do more than a citizen of this country do. Is not just about taking away their dreams but is taking away there apportunities and stability but also taking away what they already have and what they have build with the DACA. Some of this DACA people didn’t choose to come to this country but for which ever reason they are here and they are trying to prove with this opportunity that they were giving that immigrants aren’t drug dealers or criminals not every immigrants is the same , all of this DACA students are people with better aspirations for their life and for this country , there not trying to do harm to anyone they just trying to be better for this country and to be accepted.
I agree with what is written in the article. The author’s views on DACA and its recipients concur with mine. These students are law abiding citizens, that have contributed to this nation. The article also shows that the majority of Americans, including anti-immigrant Joe Arpaio, are against dreamers facing deportation. Republicans should take that into consideration when deciding on DACA’s fate. I also agree that California having the largest delegation, should be leading and pushing for a better immigration reform for the dreamers, due to it being home to the largest number of immigrants in the United States. The article states that most Republicans believed that DACA recipients needed to be given a chance, and for them a “chance” is to create a bill with anti-immigrant policies. They are using DACA as leverage to pass stricter immigration laws. It’s unfortunate that they are causing so much anxiety in DACA recipients in order to accomplished their agendas, and to appease their constituents. Fighting for DACA it’s a priority. We are talking about kids that had no saying on the decision of moving here. It will be inhumane not to protect them. They deserve to be given a pathway to citizenship.
The article made a lot of different points . In which them getting rid of the DACA .It is only making the people even more mad and wanting to fight more. It has even affected a large amount of people in a lot of communities . This is only disappointing a lot people. So many people has came to the U.S in order to change their lives around and make things better. This is showing that many people lives are in the hands of others that do not care and is not seeing the bigger picture or even the good side about it. Being able to be in DACA it gives the people a chance to feel apart of everything else even though they know for a fact it is something that is not possibly permanent. Some things we should not be worrying about have been a big argument with the communitites.
it is very sad that the government has let trump remove DACA. The removal of DACA will leave many students clueless on how to achieve help in many ways towards their education. The government is using this as way to remove immigrants in a much greater way because they know that by doing this people will want to the leave this country because they are not getting the help needed. Most of the people that DACA supports are young children and Mexican Americans born here that had no say in whether or not they wanted to be here. DACA is a top priority that still needs to be fought for because everyone has the right to all things “American”.
Trump’s flip flop on DACA is just one more recant of a “hard-line” he’s taken on immigration. He’s not a politician; therefore it’s not unreasonable to believe that Trump doesn’t have a “strategy” per se. He is merely attempting to maintain his voter approval rating by attempting to make headway on at least ONE of the promises he’s made during the circus of his campaign by, once again, appealing to the fanatical right. All the while he’s realizing it’s not as easy as “kicking them all out” and “building a wall”. It’s an ugly truth, but the fact of the matter is, that in a country that’s driven, and some would argue governed, primarily by industry, deporting illegal immigrants would do severe damage to the country’s labor force. Indeed, eliminating the opportunities for so-called dreamers by eliminating DACA, you eliminate the possibility for productive citizens who contribute to the economy and, in turn, eliminate the opportunity for economic growth.
With regards to excitement within the democratic community (young democrats especially), they need only access their twitter account or tune into the news on any given day to witness the outcome of the lack of voter participation. It might be too early, but personally I am excited to see how the next presidential election plays out. However divided we were during the first 100 days, and however divided we appear now, There have been few stronger unifying forces in America, then those under which we are united against a common enemy. That being said, Progressives’ refusal to work in tandem with the powers that be and refusing to at least attempt a compromise is the exact opposite of Democracy. Alienating yourself and your party does a tremendous disservice to your constituents at large.
The DACA has ended and the young immigrant community has take a fatal blow to the stomach which has caused tension and confusion in homes. The immigrant workforce has already been injected with the RAISE act which forces immigrants to take a mandatory E-form. Unless congress which I am specifically speaking about our democratic leader Nancy Pelosi needs to devise a plan that is able to help our immigrants. I envision a thriving community where accountability is high on the pedastal. I am for legalizing the Dreamers because everyone deserves the same opportunity to get an education. In the article “The Center for American Progress” it says immigrants are a big part of social security because immigrants contributed $13 billion and only received $1 million. Between 2000 and 2011 immigrants contributed $35.1 billion more than they withdrew. That is just the immigrant workforce without the majority of them having been apart of a graduate program. Diversity is beneficial for our community because we talk with some with a different point of view and we can respond in civilized manner.
Center for american progress
Stats that immigrants created for themselves
This article advocates for the legalization of Dreamers as well as indicates the way both Democrats and Republicans use DACA as bargaining chips so that they can be reelected another term or introduce controversial partisan legislation. The purpose of this article is to persuade readers that Dreamers should be legalized. This article was written to tell readers to keep pressuring representatives to legalize Dreamers and reassure readers that Dreamers will not be deported.
The author uses loaded words with negative connotation to replace an argument. This is evident in the first paragraph of this article with examples such as “spewed venom”, “outright lies” and “mean-spirited press conference”. The author fails to explain how Session’s statements during the press conference were falsehoods or how Sessions exactly took advantage of this press conference. If so, what were his motivations? The use of this loaded language is meant to bait readers into hating Sessions for reasons that were not justified by the author.
The author also uses loaded language in the seventh paragraph of the article when talking about how Democrats should engage in “all-out-war” with Trump. The use of this phrase implies that Trump is undeniably a large scale threat like Osama bin Laden and Democrats need to use any and every option to put him down. The author does not prove this argument, therefore this specific phrasing is designed to incite hate against Trump.
The author also uses vague wording within the third paragraph of the article. The specific example is “illegal immigration”. The author should state what “illegal immigration” means since in this current political climate, the phrase is overused and its meaning has blurred. For instance, does illegal immigration entail crossing the border? Does chain immigration (bringing other undocumented family members to the US) count? These kind of broad terms should be defined for the sake of clarity.
Trying to achieve a consensus between the Democrats and Republicans on immigration reform is an important goal because it affects the lives of many human beings. Unfortunately achieving immigration reform in the political climate that currently exist today is not going to be possible. The constituents of both parties seem to want to two completely different things. Many members of the Democratic Party would be willing to entertain the idea of some kind of path to legalization for over the ten million undocumented immigrants living and working in the United States today. Most constituents of the Republican Party would rather not have any illegal immigrants in the United States.
While it is important that people voice their opinions by protesting in order to enact political changes. In this case the effort will probably fall on deaf ears. The Presidency is controlled by Donald Trump a dishonest virulent bigoted racist and, the Republicans control congress. It does not matter if Donald Trump meets or has diner with any Democrats he has nothing to offer the Democrats and vice versa. The things that liberals and conservatives want right now are diametrically opposed and because of this compromise is not possible. If a small compromise on the immigration issue that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals was, is immediately repealed as soon as Republicans acquire political control, then the possibility of an Amnesty bill passing in the future is probably impossible.
It probably does not matter if some progressives dislike or if other progressives like the idea of Democratic Party leadership trying to work with this president. Donald Trump is an ultra-conservative right wing plutocrat. There are no democratic core values and issues that can ever be agreed upon with a person like this. I agree that the only possible course of action is to try and prevent all of his terrible policy proposals for the next four years. The Republicans will continue to try and pass terrible bills like the RAISE Act, and the only thing liberals and some centrist can try and do is stop them. While Representative Kevin McCarthy could do a lot more on the immigration issue he won’t because he is a Republican and he probably agrees with most of Donald Trump’s policy proposals. There are still plenty of conservatives left in both the United States and California so taking extreme right wing positions is not necessarily politically suicidal for a politician. It can in fact be quite beneficial for a politician to be a hardline right winger as evidenced by the victory of one Donald John Trump and also by the current composition of the United States Congress.
Hello Chamba. You have written a great post about the immigration issues that America is facing today. I am glad I read your post because it clarified many of the immigration issues that affect our community, specially DACA and the dreamers. President Trump has played a key role in the immigration issues. He announced the end of DACA, and the beginning of an immigrant revolution like you said in your post. President Trump clearly has a problem against immigrants. But is it really the immigrant’s fault? Clearly not, and you have been able to see that point of view. You have been able to come out of the darkness in which we are living, by taking the first step to solving a problem. You recognize that immigrants do not hurt America but instead help America. It is not the dreamer’s fault to be in this country, nor their parents. Immigrants just seek a good way of living they do not take anything away from this country, they give their hard work to a country that is being ungrateful to them. Are the dreamer’s at fault? Not really. Yes, dreamers are immigrants, and that is their only crime. But they did not choose to cross the border. And even though they are illegal, they are making a great contribution to this country, by becoming educated. They are demonstrating to the world that being illegal doesn’t mean being ignorant. If dreamers were given an opportunity to pursue their dreams, they would mean a change for America. They would help president Trump pursue his saying of “Make America Great Again”. When and if that happens, America will be great again.
The main idea that this article communicates is that both parties are heavily involved in this issue and some house members use this opportunity to secure their seats through re-election. With divided focus on the issue there are mixed decisions made and inconsistencies from our president through his recent tweets. The main action on the issue are the people going on rallies and peacefully protesting and having their voices heard. It is not so difficult for certain people to address the issue with logical fallacies and use misleading information, tone and voice to try and convince the people that DACA and the Dreamers negatively affect the United States job market and economy. The real truth is up to the people to communicate and share stories and facts to bring sense to the issue. Immigration has been a very controversial and sensitive issue in the United States for many years now. Our government whether is the left or right should think about moral values that United States stands for when taking a stance on the issue.
On one hand DACA is something that really should have been made law by Congress as opposed to executive order, if only because executive orders can be rescinded anytime. It’s the right thing to do for our country to pass legislation cementing DACA as opposed to leaving it (or anything else) in limbo as an Executive plaything. On the other hand this particular Congress won’t do anything about it, so it’s the wrong thing to do to our country’s people right now.
My problem with this Trump fella is he is very unpredictable, but also a very good negotiator. What can you expect for someone who is negotiating young immigrants legal status with funding for a wall? Disgusting. These are humans lives that are at stake. I can see how cutting funds for DACA will save money, but it’s not really saving money if you want to use that for a wall…
I also don’t understand the RAISE Act. I don’t understand how cutting immigration will benefit the country. Being in California we see the positives of immigration, but I don’t see how cutting back can make a significant dent in our economy. I also don’t understand how people are against these DACA recipients when these immigrants are employed by American companies and helping them build revenue.
I don’t believe working with Trump would be normalizing him, but i do believe these democratic politicians have to work with him, and make the best of a bad situation. It is a stretch to legalize all 11 million undocumented immigrants, but I do believe legalizing these young immigrants will be a step in the right direction.
At this point it seems we are unsure of what will come to be President Trump’s final decision regarding the immigrants living the United States. Schumer and Pelosi are attempting to work with President Trump much as they can, but it is clear that they are not completely certain that Trump will be attempting to legalize any immigrants. Trump seems to be saying one thing and then another, and the democratic leaders are not putting Trump on the spot by demanding that he is clear with what he is going to do with the dreamers, and the ten million other undocumented immigrants. Everyone seems to be concentrated on the dreamers instead of the bigger picture. Perhaps one day, if most of the immigrants that come to the United States choose to better their education here, people will fight for the legalization of all immigrants. But, how are people supposed to be motivated to spend money on education if they might get deported out? The dreamers are a great representation of what most immigrants in the United States are already showing through their actions: hard-working, contributing to the United States, responsible, and undeterred by the uncertainty, driven by hope and perseverance.
I believe this article could have given us some information prior to how the Democrats and Republicans ended up on the side that they were taking on the issue of legalization of immigrants in the United States. Although the purpose of the article was to give us insight on what’s currently happening at this very moment with important figures on the subject (Pelosi, Schumer, McCarthy), I think the article would benefit from giving an introduction on how and why both political parties chose a side. What are they benefitting from, or who are they attempting to ‘win’ over to their side to obtain their political vote and loyalty?
This article gives more depth on the Democrat and Republican negotiation for immigration reform. While it is biased, in the sense that this is an opinion piece, it brings a lot of objective points that I can definitely agree with. Trump and his friends could be doing this as a front and leeway to “inject” anti-immigration policies, which could mean a “moderate” immigration reform could insidiously be taken over by Republicans. Indeed, we should be cautious of the negotiation and make sure that Democrats get the power as well.
However, I got frustrated at the DACA protestors yelling over Nancy Pelosi during the announcement of her negotiation with Trump. It not only makes DACA recipients look bad, but also gives Republicans more leverage to shame them and Democrats. I understand why they were doing that, those reasons are shown in your blog. However, it’s a rash move considering how the negotiation needs to be understood. Considering how much is left in the dark about it though, it might have also been beneficial to demand answers -if only they would listen.
I don’t have much to critique and what I’ve added is basically just how people react to a very confusing case on law making. We’ve been taught the simple branches of government and how a law is made but to see it in action is mind boggling, especially when so many lives are at stake. I do have hope though, like you said 24 seats only and we can actually have a better immigration reform.
“However, if this is not feasible then they should go for an all-out-war with this man,” is honestly a quote I cannot ignore. Although this may or may not be a hyperbole on your part, (just as [nativists] use terms like [illegal aliens] instead of saying undocumented) I think either way it just shows the bias a little too much. With using terms such as “all-out-war” it seems you are pushing for radical change instead of expressing the main point of the blog. That being that not only to fight for DACA and the dreamers but for all undocumented immigrants everywhere. You often use rhetoric and very emphatical phrases such as “…make sure the Dreamers get legalized. Although we should also endeavor not to lose sight of the prize,” and “…legalize the Dreamers and take on the fight on the other ten million undocumented immigrants in our communities.” Although there is nothing wrong for advocating for the rights of those undocumented immigrants, it seems like your trying to ignite the catalyst that is California. The whole of your last paragraph is basically a puff piece as to why California should lead the charge to path for citizenship. Are you trying to make California the beacon of the rebellion? President Trump has already expressed his disproval towards California for “protecting” sanctuary cities, so one can only imagine what he might do if we lead the fight for citizenship. I’m not saying we shouldn’t do it but to go in swinging without finding out the facts first never works. It is here where I believe you lose your point. We should understand first why the flip-flopping is happening. You even touch on it yourself by saying “pundits are still trying to figure out trumps strategy.” We know he is up to something; some would say to appease constituents or others would say he’s simply losing it but advocators for undocumented immigrants need to figure out the game plan first. For those pushing for the rights of undocumented immigrants they need allies between the republic and democratic party before anything is resolved. If only we had listen to warnings of having a two-party system.
“On one hand DACA is something that really should have been made law by Congress as opposed to executive order”
So the end goal is full citizenship for everyone, right? That is the only logical, AND humane, thing to do. Democrats of course love reform policies, because they think Captialism just needs, tik tik tik, just a little adjustment, an oil change, and then everything will be fiiine! Reform policies have been so stupid and fragile because Dems think that reform in itself is what is important, not as a brick in the road to actual freedom.
That’s the whole problem we’re having with DACA, it was a dumb shakey piece of shit piece of shit policy in the first place, because it totally relied on the next president to be a Democrat, and also to not be an asshole, which whoops look how that turned out (this opinion lifted wholesale from my favorite brocialist twitter nerds: https://tinyurl.com/ybqgjwzl ).
Republicans are dumb fucking lunatics, who cannot be relied on to want anything good to happen. It can happen occasionally, BUT IT IS UNRELIABLE. Think about what a “conservative” wants, to CONSERVE? Right? To not change shit, to roll it back. The system is clearly broken, everything is clearly going to shit, and they want to conserve that, because certain people in power are okay and if you have money and are white then man yeah lets keep it how it is, and we’ll tell poor white people you can do the same thing if you just vote Republican! This has been a very good operating strategy, so far.
So yes, we can’t just ask for full citizenship now, even if it’s the right thing to do, we need to push incrementally. This doesn’t mean to be a total dipshit like Obama and just like, move as slow as molasses, and then instill things that then just get totally wrecked by the next guy in office, it means push push push keep pushing, like you’re having a baby. Push and breathe and push push again until freedom falls out of your vagina. Of course Dems should work with Trump to do good things. Sure, work with Trump to work around the repealing of DACA. Then plot on how to instill some actually good and stable program. At the same time, lets figure out how to stop two party politics, because liberals are chicken shit losers who don’t get anything of substance done because they are so obssessed with their precious concept of political fairness and “reaching across the isle”. Beep beep, Republicans hate you, and don’t want anything you want to exist! Get out of the road, asshole! If you’re going to work with Republicans, because you have to, of course do it, because you have to, but never ever ever
ever ever
ever think that they will have the good of the country in mind, and that they won’t lie and stab you in the back, after you brilliantly establish some sort of reform. I talk a lot of trash on liberals, but it’s because the Right is the enemy, and we don’t have any leaders. The Democrats aren’t leaders. Be a leader, work with Trump on what he will agree with, then continue to try to implement what he won’t, and if it gets blocked, well, lets get this immigrant revolution thing going, yeah? That sounds good to me. While we’re at it, lets get some new leaders. Let’s go into congress, let’s eat their hearts, and gain their knowledge, and actually make change happen.
The music playing when I am dropped from a helicopter in a dress with the gorgeously hand stitched words DACA WAS NEVER ENOUGH, piercing the roof of congress with my naked erection.
The importance of the immigration status of the immigrants who live and provide in the US is an important issue to be aware of. Politicians who speak ill of the brave immigrants have a mission to simply make a statement that will secure them to have popularity in the media and within their choice of political parties. It is important for us, the supporters of DACA and the dreamers, to be able to stand up against ignorant politicians and xenophobic individuals. It is correct to assume that we can expect the Democratic leaders to try to connect with Trump in order to provide some insight in the immigration issues and what the real consequences mean for the families and the immigrant individuals themselves. Having more minority voters in the districts that have republican representatives that can impact the campaigning of these republican politicians gives me great hope that the politicians will actually spare time to understand the consequences of laws regarding the minorities.
As a first-generation Mexican-American going to college, I believe that DACA Dreamers should have the opportunity to seek higher education!