Trump came, he spoke and he didn't charm !
Finally, President Trump decides to come to California, the state has become the epicenter of the resistance. When he declared his candidacy for the presidency, most people here in the state laughed. He was never taken seriously and Californians didn’t see him beyond being a star from a reality show. It took more than a year for President to make it to the state that totally repudiated his candidacy. Hillary Clinton badly beat him by 4.3 million votes that eventually made him lose the popular vote in the presidential election in 2016. His visit is being interpreted as some sort of giving California the finger. After all, he came to inspect the eight prototypes of what could be “a beautiful wall,” that the majority of people in the state vehemently oppose. He stopped by in Beverly Hill for some cash and spent the night in one of the luxurious hotels in downtown Los Angeles.
Nobody has united more progressives in this country than President Trump. The man is a uniter after all. Progressives here in California have been saving their venom for this president. And they were ready to let him have it on his first visit to the state. Trump represents everything that progressives in this states claim to stand for: he sees immigrants as a burden and a threat to the values of his America; he has utter disregard for the environment; he doesn’t care for the civility in the public space and he mistreats and attacks those who disagree with him.
Immigrant groups, labor groups, and socialists were protesting in Beverly Gardens Park in Beverly Hill. The crowds were not as large as many in the media speculated over the weekend and the overall message being sent to the President was not unified. And of course, elected Democratic officials who wanted to raise their profiles held events attacking the man’s policies and his late legal confrontations with California. From gubernatorial candidates, US Senate candidate-Kevin Deleon to LA mayor, they all held press conferences, released videos or held fundraising activities using Trump.
Trump is suing California over policies on immigration. And an elected official-Oakland Mayor is being looked at for potential obstruction of justice for having alerted her city’s residents about ICE raids. The President has also accused California of being out of control and of being too close to “illegal immigrants.” He sees this as problematic as he surmises that the needs of American citizens are being utterly ignored. When the political leadership in California declared the entire state as a “sanctuary state,” it was viewed as a defying move against the federal government. The President’s anti-immigrant advisors who counsel him are equally amused as to how California went to extraordinary lengths to protect “criminal immigrants,” or gang members who are a destructive force to communities in America. Specifically, he believes members from the criminal and notorious gang MS-13 are taking advantage of all these weak-immigration laws. These baseless accusations that have been proven factually wrong.
Most presidents see the importance of the most populous and richest state in the nation and endeavored to make it to the state within a year. President Franklin D. Roosevelt waited long before he came to visit California once elected president. It was understandable since planes then were not the first thing people would think when they would go far away. President Roosevelt in the 1930s came by train.
Some history here, California joined the union in 1850 and the state has given the nation two presidents, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. Throughout its short history, California has been viewed as the “ultimate melting pot.” Historians have argued that the discovery of gold in California contributed to the success of the state. Since it attracted the best and the brightest in the world. California became a land of immigrants, they came from all over the world to the golden state looking for opportunities. Asian railroad workers, high-tech entrepreneurs and Mexican laborers, even “Dust Bowl emigres, all came to California and built it.
Currently, there are about 2.8 million more Democratic registered voters than Republican registered voters. At one point, public intellectuals and people in academia used to tell us that California was going to be the template for the nation. But the state started chartering a new path when it comes to politics and culture. Now the conversation has flipped and it is being argued that maybe it is time for California to start proceeding with the articles of secession.
The Republican Party in the state has become an endangered species. Republicans hold no statewide offices and nothing is looming in the near future that this will change. A candidate running for a diverse California for statewide public offices will have no chance if said candidates oppose the right to choose for women, have a cozy relationship with the NRA, and has no qualms for the environment. It is interesting to see that no Republican in California joined President Trump for a photo-op. Those who have political ambitions for a higher office see the man as being too toxic.
It is not clear how this an all-out war on this president launched by the Democratic leadership, that governs that state, will serve well the interest of California. California is facing tremendous challenges, investments in the state’s infrastructure being exhibit A. Many people in the state who dislike this man, me included, argue that our leaders should try to find common ground with this man. When that is not possible then we should stick to our values that make California a great place and stand our own ground. It will be stupid or dereliction of duty for any leader in this state to reject anything that would benefit California just because it came from this man.
President Trump has become such a menace to California, the political class that governs the state uses him in every speech. Literally, all elected officials both local and state every sentence in their speeches have three things: A noun, a verb, and Trump. Now that in itself demand another resistance movement from voters in this state. We shouldn’t let our leaders distract us from the real problems using this president.
Thank you for reading.
Chamba Sanchez
Photo credit –pic above was taken by author at the event
A lot of people think that president has a lot of negative yet positive attention. This man him self is an alien because he isn’t part of humanity. Like this blog mentioned he doesn’t even care for the environment and is only causing massive destruction around him. First of all, him building the wall is destroying all the wildlife habitats that are endangered. He is an invader of land because now most of Native Americans that worked hard to captivate land are now forgotten. History keeps changing and he doesn’t know his history so this is why he is becoming part of history. I think this article can only make me critique certain things that are in reverse. He is a rich man and he would go to the riches place Beverly Hills, he’s in for his own success like most candidates. California would not be the same with out us ” immigrants”, because half the white population are bosses and they would of not been here if they did not have workers to help they succeed. We all are invaders of this land, and he is the extract of our humanity. Wars coming our way for resources to make America, what was once Mexico and land of our Natives Americans great again.
I understand your point About how most California politicians attack Trump almost to redundancy. On the other hand, I think it’s necessary. Many people need to hear some form of opposition to him from political figures even if it not from their state.
I think it’s our job as California residents to look at each of these political figures as individuals. After that sort out what issues we agree with them on besides opposingTrump.
I’m not too sure about Trump. If not for the immigrants, this country would be in the pits. Trump only cares for himself and the rich and powerful. Everyone is not an invader, there were those already here thousands of years prier to the terrorist arrivals. Back to Trump; he’s a menace to society and the world. I’ll say no more.
I guess only the president and the nation could see the real California. They’d see a state that drives much of the U.S. economy, with diverse and dynamic people leading the way into America’s future. I saw, Trump prefers his Fox News bubble. Heaven forbid he learn anything that might challenge his preconceptions. It’s telling that his longest stop is scheduled to be in the company of wealthy Republican donors. His schedule didn’t include meetings with any elected officials, even fellow Republicans. He also sought to avoid protesters, who greeted Trump from the moment he landed in California. Funny thing is Gov. Jerry Brown tweeted a letter to Trump on Monday, noting what other presidents had done on their visits and inviting Trump to come see the high-speed rail project in the Central Valley saying California is “focusing on bridges, not walls,”.
This president has united many people with his childish behavior but it is up to us to find a common goal. It is up to us to find an organized message and make a change in the way immigrants are seen. People who migrate to this country are not all criminals, most of them are hardworking families that come to this land of opportunities to build their own American Dream.
Our politicians are distracting us and repeating what we already know. It is obvious that the state of California is against the presidents views, instead they should be focusing on solutions for the immigrant community and the many DACA recipients that need all the support we can get.
Two wrongs don’t make a right. I think that our elected officials have a tough job. It’s hard to please everyone. I think that they refer to Trump the way they do because they think that that is what people want to hear. But in all reality, it does not make them any different from the president. They point out Trump’s negative qualities just as much as Trump bashes those who oppose him. By doing this, these officials are no better than Trump. Our elected officials should have positives speeches, like Martin L. King Jr. did. Our government officials should be strengthening our community by promoting understanding of our government and by giving people hope for change. Instead of just focusing on all of the bad things about President Trump, our elected officials should come up with solutions to implement in our communities.
Two wrongs don’t make a right. I think that our elected officials have a tough job. It’s hard to please everyone. I think that they refer to Trump the way they do because they think that that is what people want to hear. But in all reality, it does not make them any different from the president. They point out Trump’s negative qualities just as much as Trump bashes those who oppose him. By doing this, these officials are no better than Trump. Our elected officials should have positives speeches, like Martin L. King Jr. did. Our government officials should be strengthening our community by promoting understanding of our government and by giving people hope for change. Instead of just focusing on all of the bad things about President Trump, our elected officials should come up with solutions to implement in our communities.
Great piece
Trump has had a long disagreement with the state of California because their viewpoints are so different. It is no surprise that it took him so long to visit the state, but his reason for visiting is futile. He should visit California to meet up with California’s elected officials, not to visit the site for his “infamous” wall. He should be meeting with them to come up with solutions for relevant issues such as DACA and other immigration issues. I agree that elected officials should not go against Trump on an issue that’s going to benefit California. If they are going to go against him they should do it on an issue that matters and does not benefit California. He should have admired California for benefiting the national economy. He could have visited Silicon Valley where many tech companies began. Honestly there are many things he could have done on his first trip to California, but he failed to do them. He needs to acknowledge how much immigrants contribute to this nation and to the economy. He also needs to learn how to accept opinions other than his own especially after coming to a mostly Democratic state.
I agree with what the article states, this man is a “look more like a reality show star, than a president”. The way he articulates his speeches, can never address issues to actually are best for the public interest. He always seems to speak in repetition, saying that what’s wrong with California is the “illegal immigrants”, and that “Americans citizens needs are not being answer”. A man that practice racism, and dehumanizes a specific ethnic group. Who instead of bring the California community together encourages people to attack one another.
He should be focusing on how he can help people, on how he can actually “make America great again”. But it’s he does do one thing, he does unite people together as well. There are people who do try to challenge his idea, people who are using their voices to be heard, and people who are risking their own lives to provide to trump that they do have rights as an average citizen of America.
But I believe that the reason that our elected officials acted in the way that they responded is because they wanted the voice of everyone who lives in California to be hear. One should stand up for what they believe to right, what is best not for certain individuals but all individuals.
first off, there are things that promised while the campaign which were most of them didn’t make no sense at all. I also agree that he is more “look like a reality show star, rather than a president. But there are also bad and goods about him that yet we see. Such that he has conquered the conflicts with china regarding the enormous amount of. money U.S owe them, At the same time, I feel like he doesn’t have that quality of be a president based on what he has said and done on television. He could be a good president if he cared more about the people of the country instead of the country its self.
I agree with most of the rhetoric in this message. California contributes a lot of the nations GDP growth. Sanchez brings up a good point by mentioning over and over again how important the state of California is. By trump creating a negative painting of his policies and relationship between his administration and California is ignorant. By mocking California through his “These baseless accusations…” of California’s policies being light on criminal immigrant organizations which “…have been proven factually wrong.” (Sanchez) Trump continues to great a larger gap between his possible support in California. Pervious information in this blog explains how important California’s support is. Through the nation entering the union of states in 1850 it was a melting pot for new settlers. From China, Mexico, Britain, Eastern United States people of all colors travelled to California. It’s still truw today, California has become an epicenter for people wanting new opportunities.
Trump will not have California’s support any time soon, and it’s clear why. The man is toxic when it comes to generating new policies, and mis-informed about much of today’s political climate. In word Trump can be described as “Ignorant”.
I agree Trump is a menace to society. He’s own representative have resigned and he himself have fired some of his own due to them not being in accordance with him. For example, Gary Cohn whom resigned after Trumps plans to impose tariffs for the imported metals which Mr. Cohn warned would hurt the economy, also drive up prices for Americans, and lead to trade wars. Not only has he caused conflict within but has also stirred up discordance with other nations. Apparently Mr. Trump only thinks of himself, not considering the values of which this country has been built on and the people or the immigrants that have contributed to this great nation. It is important to come to common ground with President Trump if at all possible. They (Congress) need to be reminded what is important- the children and the future leaders that are depending on them to keep the United States United (by: Sandy Wilbur, see video on YouTube- We the people, constitution song) and not divide which is what Mr. Trump is doing- Diving. This man is a potential threat for a third world war, MRios.
Just by knowing that his first visit to California was to view the Wall prototypes says how much of a joke the president is. Wouldnt he want to do something in California that us the people would like so we can have a different view on him. How important is it to waste millions of dollars of which he doesnt have yet on a wall. He says immigration is a problem and believes by ending DACA will solve all problems. All he will achieve is destroy families of young adults by not allowing them to work or get an education here.
Immigration might be a problem but it isnt the only problem and the wall being the most important thing on his mind isnt right.
President Trump should be ashamed of himself for even suggesting that a wall be built to keep immigrants out. As I recall, his wife has many family members that are immigrants. I don’t believe in anything that this man chooses to do for this country. He deemed California being too close to immigrants but in actuality he seems to be the only one that doesn’t like them. Every immigrant here is not a criminal or a gang member. Immigrants are very hard working people and everyone deserves a better opportunity for themselves and their families. Just because California is facing challenges doesn’t mean anything. We have very deep values and believes that if we stick with California will continue to be wonderful despite what other politicians assume.
President Trump should be ashamed of himself for even suggesting that a wall be built to keep immigrants out. As I recall, his wife has many family members that are immigrants. I don’t believe in anything that this man chooses to do for this country. He deemed California being too close to immigrants but in actuality he seems to be the only one that doesn’t like them. Every immigrant here is not a criminal or a gang member. Immigrants are very hard working people and everyone deserves a better opportunity for themselves and their families. Just because California is facing challenges doesn’t mean anything. We have very deep values and believes that if we stick with California will continue to be wonderful despite what other politicians assume
I don’t understand why he accuses all immigrants in general of being a burden and a threat to california if he himself and all his family used to be immigrants. I know there may be some who do illegal things. But why does he have to say all immigrants are the same. If it weren’t for most of the people he like to refer to as “illegal immigrants”,schools would most likely always be dirty, trucks full of things for the supermarket wouldn’t be unloaded until days after it had arrived,etc. What I’m basically trying to say that those who he like to refer to as illegal immigrants and say they are a burden, they are the most hard working.
I don’t see it as a surprise that President Trump would avoid coming to a state where he has very little support. It was widely reported before the last presidential election that Trump had very little support in the state of California and since he has come into office people here have let it be known that they don’t think too highly of him and his stances on important issues, so regardless of the high standing that California has in the nation I don’t blame him for not making a trip to California a priority. There are many states in the South that are extremely Republican and because of that many Democrats do not trick themselves into thinking that they need to make it a priority to visit these states that are decidedly against them. I think Politicians are known for strategically visiting states that traditionally vote in their favor or are borderline states that they could sway to their sides with the right moves.
I also think Politicians, immigrant groups and labor groups based in California using Trump’s name all the time when addressing the public is a no brainer. The public opinion here on President Trump is extremely low, so if you want to try and connect with listeners and potential voters you need to play to what they want to hear and that is that Trump is not good for our state and that they are nothing like him. Hopefully, the people saying this to the public mean it and are not just trying to gain voters by saying what they think the people want to hear.
I think because California is such a diverse state and is home to many undocumented residents, we have a reason to oppose many of the things that President Trump is trying to move forward with. While I think as a state we should do everything in our power to oppose certain issues and policies, I think our leadership owes it to it’s residents to find better ways to fight against them. California is a part of the United States of America and because of that we can’t just make up our own rules that go against the federal government. Our elected officials need to do their research and find legal ways to go against some of this ridiculous Trump policies. While things like the mayor of Oakland warning residents about ICE raids are admirable from a moral point of view, it makes us look bad as a state to have her being looked at for potential obstruction of justice charges. With so many resources at our great states disposal, we need to find better ways to legal fight Trump.
This article has many valuable and accurate points in the view of our president and our state. First and foremost, it is interesting that the president of the United States took so long to visit California. One thing that comes to mind is “Why is he so afraid of our independent views?”. I think that our views should be respected and taken into consideration when making decisions for our whole country. I understand that he wants to make changes in our country but it is hard to change traditions when other presidents have welcomed immigrants. Even though Obama did deport the most amount of immigrants, he chose to give the opportunity to a certain group of immigrants.. With the dream act he chose a generation of immigrants to stay to better the future of the country. The blog spoke about California being “the melting pot”, I think that is what makes America great. The fact that we can welcome anyone, from anywhere is why people struggle for the American Dream!
When it was announced that President Trump was going to visit California, the first thought that came to mind was “People don’t even want him here.” The only reason for visiting the state of California was to test protocols for the new wall he will be building. There are bigger issues in this state to address than the building of a wall. No matter how big the wall gets, immigrants will always find the way of making it to the United States; it’s their haven. I saw many people react to his arrival in a negative way through many sorts of social media. Only the rich are acknowledging this president, hence the reason he visited Beverly Hills to gain money for his next campaign. President Trump is unaware of the real problems California is facing and is only focusing on immigration laws base on his prejudice thinking. California isn’t based on gang members, drug dealers, or rapist immigrants. Many of the immigrants in California, many supported by the Dream Act, have become a great contribution to the state and are living their lives to their full potential. Trump needs to stop the Great Wall of America and start using that budget on other important issues in this nation.
The California politicians in my opinion should be a bit more focus on the issues that we have here in California. For example the high rental prices, more jobs, and all the homelessness that we see almost everywhere. I agree with our state sticking up for what we believe specifically the subject of immigrants. Many immigrants should be able to feel free to be in the streets walking without the fear that ICE will stop them , although we have already had some incidents of ICE arresting people while they are taking their children to school. The most horrific thing is that they do it in front of the children therefore traumatizing them. Trump being here really is a waste of time for him and for us. For him to view California as an enemy or target that should tells us that we are doing something right. Lets keep doing what were doing and not allow trump to try to step all over us. We do not work for the president, he works for us! and thankfully we have laws that protect us as Americans and as immigrants. We are the land of the free and of the brave lets never forget that and keep fighting to better our country whether we are from here or not.
President trump has brought many goods to the table for example if it wasn’t for all his foolish comments and beliefs we wouldn’t be as united as we are today. However I do agree with you on how we should at least try to look for common ground that will benefit the state and everyone in it. If after trying to come to an agreement he still refuses then i believe we should still continue to fights for what belongs to us. Also I do believe that people are being too easily influenced for not liking him personally and think about the actual problem.
I agree with you regarding the fact that Californians, especially lawmakers, should not outright deny everything proposed by Trump if it will be beneficial for our state. The hate against him has truly reached great heights in California. I have not seen such hate against any president in my life. I think this is both reasonable, because of his policies and actions against California, but its also very unreasonable, because many hate the man so much they will not hear a word of what he has to say or even try to find common ground at all, which I think can only be bad for Californians because he is, after all, our president. I also agree that we need to definitely find common ground with Trump, especially our lawmakers, for this can only be good for our state and its interests. I can’t see how we will ever find common ground regarding immigration but I think our lawmakers need to look at other methods of finding commonality with him and making him realize what an important state our state is to the wellbeing of the nation, especially its economy. I understand very few people in California voted for the man, but as you mentioned in class, that doesn’t stop him from also being our president whether we want it or not.
Mr Trumph will always defend on what he believes in even if its one sided. We need to change and make new rules for the Constitution and legislative for America. I m a black male who has been here all my life but still get treated as an immigrant. Nothing will change unless hes out of office period.