Why I Might Vote for the Recall
The fifth-largest economy in the world and the wealthiest state in the richest country on the planet is on the verge of recalling its governor. In one of the so-called bluest states in the nation, people are fatigued by the bloom and gloom and the inability of California’s Democratic-led state government to solve problems.
Republicans might have started this recall, but new polls show that support for the recall is deep and broad among voters. There is no hyperbole here, but unless Governor Newsom changes his strategies, Californians will wake up with a new Governor on September 15, 2021.
The pundits who argue that Governor Newsom’s lapses of judgment do not rise to a grievous level in which he needs to be recalled are missing the point. These so-called experts fail to see the deep-seated anger and resentment of many people who see California teetering on collapse under democratic leadership.
Progressives who have been in the trenches demanding justice are not blind to the problems facing California.
This recall is a rallying cry for change, not one demanding a different philosophy for governing but a practical one with the will or courage to generate solutions for the enormous challenges facing people living in California. It truly is a critical framework that can be used to see and understand how arrogant democratic leaders have grown and the problems with unchecked power. Everywhere Californians look, they see very same problems that they have been facing for quite some time. A new level, a deeper level of thinking, is badly needed. It is time for soul searching. The major government institutions in the state-controlled by Democrats, cities, counties, and the state legislature, are not responsive to the basic needs of an average Californian. There are many imbalances and inferiorities in the distribution of resources that must end.
Democrats are all reciting the same bullet points. They assert that this recall is about a power grab by Republicans. Sadly, they also tell supporters that US Senator Feinstein might not make it in the next two years. It is like the sky will fall if Governor Newsom is recalled. Utter nonsense that is not helping Governor Newsom.
If Governor Newsom gets the boot in this recall election, progressives don’t need to fret. Basic civic knowledge dictates that governors do not have absolute power. There are separation of powers and checks balances in place that will not allow a crazy individual from imposing his will on people in this state. Hence many progressives who might be voting for this recall are taking solace in the fact that Democrats control both chambers in the California State legislature. Democrats do not just enjoy majorities in the assembly and the state senate, but they also enjoy supermajorities in both houses. Democrats will have the ability to override gubernatorial vetos in real-time. These democratic chambers will become hostile in the event Governor Newsom is replaced.
There are progressives such as the author of this piece, who see a dysfunctional unemployment office that paid $11 billion in fraudulent claims while many Californians could not pay their rent. They also see gasoline prices going through the roof and see no solutions for their community’s sidewalks that have taken over homeless individuals with their tents. In addition, California had a “staggering $75.7 billion surplus last year,” and help from Sacramento during the most challenging times during the pandemic crisis never came to many poor people in the state.
The enthusiasm gap between the right and the left is very telling. Republicans are ready to go without much effort in mobilizing supporters. Democrat voters still need persuasion. These democratic voters have no time for civics. They are busy working and thinking about how they will pay for the rent.
It is mind-boggling seeing that not one out of the 46 candidates listed on the ballot appears to be ready to lead this complicated and ungovernable state. Yet this election is very close. The Democratic leadership, including Governor Newsom in California, ask: “Why is the right-wing so animated and ready to vote, and why is the left missing in action?” There are many factors that the pundits do not usually consider.
The “left” is not as monolithic as political experts let on. There are substantial divisions among moderate or corporate democrats, Bernie Sanders’ supporters, and the so-called “socialists.” These people forget that Bernie Sanders won the state in the democratic primaries. Sanders’ supporters and socialists are constantly disappointed by the corporate Democrats in Sacramento for being too close to corporate power.
And then we have the independents in the state who refuse to have any affiliation to neither major political party. Some of these voters might be fatigued with Democrats controlling all levers of power in the state and might like to see Newsom recalled. There are also African American voters whose leaders are coming out in public against the recall. Nonetheless, some of these very same leaders were utterly disappointed when Newsom appointed Alex Padilla to the United States Senate. Radio Show candidate Larry Elder will surely be reminding African American voters of Governor Newsom’s decision in this appointment.
There are 22.1 million registered voters in California, and 46% are registered, democrats. The other half is divided between Republicans and “No party preference” voters. There are not enough Republicans to recall a seating governor in California. Some “no party preference” voters, Republicans, and voters on the left who are tired of lip service from these democrats in Sacramento will have to join forces if they want to recall this embattled Governor.
Governor Newsom needs to fix the problems with the unemployment office, use the power of his office to do whatever he can in reducing the prices of gasoline and work with city governments to fix the homeless problems.
Californians are tired of showmanship, drama, and theatrics. They want solutions for the problems they are facing.
Thank you for reading.
Chamba Sanchez
Photo Credit: The picture used in this piece was taken by the author of the piece.
Sources consulted.
Baiz, Dan. “Embattled California Gov. Newsom, facing recall election, says it’s time for Democrats to wake up.” The Washington Post 14 August 2021.
Bromwich, David. “Have Democrats Become the Party of the Rich?” The nation 20 August 2021.
Myers, John. “Essential Politics: California independent voters begin to fade.” Los Angeles Times 22 March 2021.
Wolf B. Zachary. “Were half of Covid unemployment benefits stolen? Here’s what we know.” CNN Politics 10 June 2021.
Yamamura, Kevin. “California has a staggering $75.7B budget surplus.” Politico.com 10 May 2021.
Agreeing, I too believe Governor Newsome needs to be recalled. However, not for the reasons listed in this blog post. As Sanchez lays out, many low-income workers have not been aided sufficiently during the pandemic. That said, California has been home to homeless and low-income individuals for years prior. The pandemic did worsen the situation of those individuals, but this economic distress occurred nationwide. In 2019, under Gavin Newsome, California allocated $1 billion for shelters and services aimed at getting people off the streets, and also added funding to help homeless people apply for federal disability benefits. Assisting homeless individuals is anything but an easy task. Many homeless do not wish to stay at shelters or go through the process of obtaining housing. The reason for my decision to recall Gavin Newsome lays in the governance over COVID vaccinations. I do not believe citizens should be forced against their free will to receive these and employers setting vaccines as an ultimatum should be fined. Further, besides the homeless population, working middleclass citizens are hurting due to skyrocketing taxes and fees. And lastly, I dislike the anti-recall campaign, “Stop the Republican Recall”. While I understand, both republicans and democrats play the card of blaming the opposing party, I do not believe that an entire party should be discriminated against, especially not by a leader.
I am always puzzled as to why people need to be told to wear masks or be vaccinated. I understand people’s freedoms. As long as they are NOT implicating or affecting other individuals they can do whatever they want. We need to understand that our rights are not absolute and that these rights should always be balanced against the community’s interest. I agree with Newsom on this one. Although I found it hypocritical that he was telling people to wear masks, he was not wearing one himself.
What no way I disagree with you. People are homeless because they chose to be. I know how shelters work. They do not want to be helped because there are rules in shelters like curfews and mandatory drug testing. I have spoken to many homeless people I found myself on the streets for a moment in my life until I went and got help.I currently live in a transitional house / sober living my rent 350 a month. I have friends that went through this house that live almost rent free in certain programs the county has for low income people. I know the system and how it works.The only way you will get ride of the homeless problem is if California is to take the drugs of the streets and help the mental disorder.
Another thing almost all of us has received some sort of mandatory vaccination in order to attend school. Like for the chicken pox’s
Polio.Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Hepatitis Varicella. All of a sudden people are worried about a vaccine. Don’t forget the mandatory vaccines in order for immigrants that want to come to this country.
and California has helped people in poverty if you would like to know more here is a website on a report card for Governor Newsom.
the website shows the things he has done and the things he not done.
I agree, voting for the recall on current Governor Newsom is the right choice. Behind the many changes we see nowadays with absurd pricing and taxing, we start to question ourselves why? Why is it that with so much of our citizen attribution it seems as if it is not helping fight for those starving and trying to survive this cruel world? These are problems that need to be held tightly by the Governor’s hand. That’s when we start to wonder what these political leaders are doing and what exactly is the plan behind all this chaos. If the governor is not putting reasoning/explanation then why do we have to wait for a change when we could vote for this recall to be in favor of us citizens not the political leaders and the top elite. Guiding by example is also a huge contribution when it comes to being your testimony that speaks for you, your actions speak louder
I personally think the timing of the recall of Governor Newson is not right, the issues on which the recall is based are all issues facing all 52 states in the United States as of today. From unemployment to homelessness, these are all universal issues post COVID. I do believe he needs more time to deal with these issues and if unproductive then we can go to the polls next general elections and vote him out. But for now the timing is wrong.
First and for most let’s face the facts when it comes to homelessness. Majority of people that are homeless have a dual diagnosis problem. They suffer from addiction and have a mental disorder. I am sure there are some sober people that have lost there homes and now are homeless but for that there are many shelters that will help you until you get some sort of housing. These shelters do have case managers to help the individual find jobs and rules where many homeless people do not want to abide by them like curfews and mandatory drug testing. It is not the Governor fault that the city of Los Angeles has about 16,000 homeless people or that Francisco has about 8,000 is it not the mayors job to address homelessness ?
Lets be honest. What does Newsom have to do with gas prices in California ? California, taxes a fraction of what gas cost.
Another fact Governor Newsom has signed many bills to help Californians during the pandemic. He has extended a federal free meal program that give children who are in school breakfast and lunch. This children can take the meals home. He has extended rent and utility relief for family’s who lost their jobs. He has also “push the largest economic stimulus ever” a “100 billion dollar relief” which helps target low income. The bill gives direct payments to Californians.
Yes we are facing many problems in California and some things need to be address soon before they get worse. Newsom is doing a good job can he be doing better I am sure. The chances of finding a Governor that will end California problem is nearly impossible to find and history shows it.
I DO Agree I think we need to see a change in our governor. Newsom wasn’t handling anything correctly ,pandemic and business restrictions, worsening housing and homelessness crises, high taxes and cost of living, and more.
I don’t no see any changes in our homeless people they keep growing. Don’t get me wrong wrong Newsom has done great thing like End the death Penalty. But Couldn’t stop the homeless. The Gas price in my community is insane and still keeps going up why won’t we see any changes. his not doing us any good
I DO Agree, I think we need to see a change in our governor. Newsom wasn’t handling anything correctly ,pandemic and business restrictions, worsening housing and homelessness crises, high taxes and cost of living, and more.
I don’t no see any changes in our homeless people they keep growing. Don’t get me wrong wrong Newsom has done great thing like End the death Penalty. But Couldn’t stop the homeless. The Gas price in my community is insane and still keeps going up why won’t we see any changes. his not doing us any good
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